Home » Announcers » 女子アナ » 秋田の旅 竿灯まつりを観て、秋田の郷土料理を楽しむ AKITA JAPAN【アラカン・秋田旅行】旅ログ 032

秋田の旅 竿灯まつりを観て、秋田の郷土料理を楽しむ AKITA JAPAN【アラカン・秋田旅行】旅ログ 032


秋田の旅 勇壮な竿灯まつりを観て、日本海と秋田の郷土料理を楽しんだシニアの二人旅


秋田竿灯まつり(Kantou Festival)

道の駅 あつみ(Roadside Station Atumi)

道の駅 鳥海ふらっと(Rodeside Station Chokai-flat)

久保田城(Kubota Castle)

和ダイニング 我楽(Dining Restaurant Garaku)


京都 大原の里を歩き 寂光院、三千院、実光院を巡ったくるま旅 ohara kyoto【アラカン・京都くるま旅】旅ログ 001

京都 上賀茂神社・手づくり市、嵯峨野の常寂光寺・二尊院を巡る旅 kyoto【アラカン・京都旅】旅ログ 004

京都の食べどころ あぶり餅、町家カフェ、すきやき重、おばんざいを楽しむ kyoto【アラカン・京都旅】旅ログ 018

沖縄 南部をレンタカーで巡る あざまサンサンビーチ、斎場御嶽、奥武島いまいゆ市場、ひめゆりの塔 okinawa【アラカン・沖縄くるま旅】旅ログ 006

沖縄 カフェ3選と琉球料理の名店 okinawa【アラカン・沖縄旅行】旅ログ 014

香川県 栗林公園と高松の飲みどころ takamatsu kagawa japan【アラカン・香川旅行】旅ログ 022

香川県 金刀比羅宮・銭形・父母ヶ浜・天空の鳥居を巡る旅 kagawa japan【アラカン・香川旅行】旅ログ 023

神奈川  三浦・横須賀・葉山・逗子の食べどころ、飲みどころ 7選 kanagawa miura【アラカン・神奈川旅行】旅ログ 016

#秋田 #竿灯まつり #居酒屋 #秋田観光 #人生の楽園 #シニア

In the Dreaming Senior Couple Trip, we senior couples travel all over Japan visiting famous historical sites, hot springs, and festivals, and trying out activities.Even seniors who enjoy gourmet food and alcohol can still enjoy life and pursue their dreams.This is how we look toward a second life. This time we will

Travel to the Tohoku region of Akita, Aomori, and Miyagi, enjoying summer festivals and local gourmet food.This time, we will be visiting Akita Prefecture, where we will enjoy the Kanto Festival and local cuisine.We will be visiting Nagano Prefecture, where we live. We departed early in the morning and

Headed north along the Sea of ​​Japan side towards Akita.First, we took a break at “Roadside Station Atsumi” in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture.The Sea of ​​Japan spreads out.On the right hand side is the symbol of Atsumi Onsen, “Kokeshi” .Click here for lunch.

Let’s eat seafood at the “Genki na Hama store” located inside Chokai Flat Roadside Station.Here, seasonal seafood from Shonai Beach is sold.Grilled fish, sashimi, tempura, and fried fish all look delicious.This one is popular. I choose a large silver flounder natural rock oyster.First of all, I started with the grilled silver flounder, which had a

Fluffy texture and the light taste of the white fish.It was so delicious! And here are the large oysters that I selected myself.The freshness of the oysters freshly caught from the jiggly sea.The unforgettable deliciousness.Tasting the seafood from the Sea of ​​Japan thoroughly.After

Driving 500 kilometers, it took 8 hours to arrive in Akita.We left the Akita Chuo Interchange. We head towards Akita City.The calm cityscape of Akita City spreads out.On the left hand side is “JA Akita Namahage” which is an exquisite name.My wife changes into a yukata and

First we take a walk around Kubota Castle.Kubota Castle was built in 1603 and has a castle tower and a castle tower. It is famous for being a castle without stone walls.The reconstructed “Ichinomon” is a splendid main gate befitting a 200,000 koku castle.After Kubota Castle, we headed into the city.Before

Seeing the festival, let’s enjoy Akita’s local cuisine . “Japanese Dining Garaku” “Kiritanpo Hot Pot Course” 3,300 yen The Namahage mask and the sake bottle will whet your appetite.After arriving in Akita, let’s have a toast! The appetizer is a nostalgic “Tokoroten” appetizer is a 3-piece assortment of “Kibasa, Junsai, and Iburigakko”.The

Taste of the sashimi of Amberjack and Sea Bream gives you the taste of Akita’s seafood, and the fried sashimi sandfish is rich in fat. It was delicious and I was looking forward to the “Kiritanpo Nabe”. I ate it piping hot while imagining Akita’s snowy scenery. The course ended with “Inaniwa Udon” and

I enjoyed many of Akita’s local dishes. With a full stomach, let’s head to the festival venue . The festival is held on the main street in the center of the city, and the lanterns have finally come in.The light-hearted “nagashihayashi” festival as they parade through

The city has a history of more than 200 years, dating back to the Horeki era.It was originally held in midsummer. It began as an event to ward off illness and evil spirits.It is a festival unique to Akita where

Long poles are held in a cross pattern, many lights are attached to them, and paraded through the town while playing drums.Many organizations participate in the town pole festival, including school and workplace pole festivals. This is the lantern of Akita City Hall.The lantern is finally going up

With the performance of the “Honhayashi,” a brave drum and flute sound.Dokkoisho Dokkoisho! The lanterns rise high with the shouts. There are several techniques for kantos. This technique involves supporting the rod with the forehead. This technique involves supporting the rod with the waist, keeping it stationary

. This technique is called Hirate, which supports the rod with the palm of your hand.Let’s stop by the local gourmet festival set up at the venue.Akita ‘s local gourmet food stalls are lined up.This is Oga Peninsula’s “shottsuru yakisoba.” What kind of yakisoba tastes like? What is it? Akita’s local beer “Akita Akura Beer”

Is a beer made from ancient rice, Akitakomachi rice.Here we go, cheers to the Kanto Festival with Akita Akura Beer.The flavor of the delicious shottsuru yakisoba is made with fish sauce, but it has no taste. Yakisoba with a refreshing taste.A great place to enjoy local gourmet food at night in Akita.The

Best feeling in Akita.The continuation of the sighting of the pole lights is the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force pole lights.It looks like we can expect powerful pole lights.I thought the stingrays were lifted up in a dignified manner… It’s like an unexpected fall , but they pick it up again and

Show off their powerful technique.The lanterns dance in the night sky of Akita.Children also take on the lanterns.Ohayashi musicians add to the excitement of the festival.The lanterns are added to the lanterns, and they rise even higher.And tonight’s lanterns Thank you for watching the finale video.Next time, go to Aomori Nebuta Festival

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