Home » Announcers » 女子アナ » 【16bitセンセーション 13話】視聴者の感想とネットの反応集 終わり良ければ全て良し マモル君のPC98愛と共にコノハは望んだ未来へ【アニメ反応集 実況考察まとめ 16BIT SENSATION】

【16bitセンセーション 13話】視聴者の感想とネットの反応集 終わり良ければ全て良し マモル君のPC98愛と共にコノハは望んだ未来へ【アニメ反応集 実況考察まとめ 16BIT SENSATION】


16bitセンセーション ANOTHER LAYERへの視聴者の反応やネットの感想をお届けします!ぜひお楽しみください!

16bitセンセーション ANOTHER LAYER 1(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray]

16bitセンセーション 1 私とみんなが作った美少女ゲーム

00:00 オープニング
00:23 視聴者の感想!!
06:35 視聴者の感想!!(後半)
12:01 エンディング



16bitセンセーション ANOTHER LAYER (16bit Sensation: Another Layer) : https://16bitsensation-al.com/
©若木民喜/みつみ美里・甘露樹(アクアプラス)/16bitセンセーションAL PROJECT


DOVA-SYNDROME : https://dova-s.jp/
BGMer : https://bgmer.net/
魔王魂 : https://maou.audio/

効果音ラボ : https://soundeffect-lab.info/

Pixabay : https://pixabay.com/ja/

VOICEVOX : https://voicevox.hiroshiba.jp/
VOICEVOX:もち子(cv 明日葉よもぎ)






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#ネットの反応 #アニメ感想 #animereaction #海外の反応 #5chまとめ #ゆっくり解説
#2023年秋アニメ #16bit #古賀葵 #堀江由衣

Hello! Anime gentleman. This time, we will introduce viewers’ reactions to episode 13 of “16bit Sensation ANOTHER LAYER”! By watching this video, you’ll be able to get a variety of opinions and interpretations, and I think you’ll have more fun watching anime. Please enjoy it until the end! Erotic games are being developed

. Will it just go back to normal? Akihabara is a little different now than it is now. Nadejiko has a different history than it is now. Is this a world where Digico is energetic? The voices of Reiwa’s DigiCharacters haven’t changed. This guy is a fake Dejiko, Reiwa. Now that I’m back,

It’s a safe selling line. Job change married woman cafes are amazing. The history has changed. Is it okay to say that the home of erotic games is America ? It’s a world where history has changed from a game company to a coffee shop manager , but is it a good thing…?

98w Mamoru seems to be filled with 98’s “You’re going to become a married woman!” Was it good to see the real Mamoru again …? An erotic game full of political correctness will be distributed all over the world. Akiba is back as a moe character, so I guess that hasn’t changed.

Mamo-chan is too handsome. Reproducing the scene from episode 1. Mamoru-kun looks amazing after 20 years. As you might expect, Mamoru -kun has been using automatic monitoring for the past 10 years or so to propose, and he got a young wife.The rest is erotic games, and in this world, NEC’s 98 is taking over.Mamoru-

Kun was a little Doraemon. It fit in with Happien. I’m a little concerned about the age difference between the two, but I also feel nostalgic about the model with two FDDs. Why didn’t they make it into an anime based on the original?

I wonder if they wanted to include an episode about aliens because it would become just an old story (´・ω・`) It was a good final episode. I feel like this is the first time I’ve seen so many rights notations appear in an anime. It was a good final episode.

Perhaps the corrective power of history is working, and I gradually forget what I remember, so I went once to 1999 and then came to 2023? Well, with this anime, Koga’s rating, which I thought was just a

Fluke of Kaguya, went up considerably in my opinion.If he could do an idiot voice, he would be one of the best voice actors in the voice actor world.I do

N’t know why, but an aspiring creator slipped back in time. I thought it was a story about everyone making a game for the Mega Drive, but it turned out to be a happy ending.It’s in the same pattern as episode 1.I love anime.I

Wonder if Yamada in this world will still be the princess of an otaku. Did you make the game in a way that leaves it up to your imagination? To be honest, I haven’t been making that many games. I’ll never be able to go back to the first world.

Did I pay rent for 20 years? They didn’t need a story about aliens, did they? That was the core of the theme, wasn’t it? Heat is important! I don’t hate Mamoru-kun’s heroine , but why did it feel like one episode was missing even though there was one more episode than planned…

I can’t believe the last game will actually be released. It’s the first game made in the era. I wonder what would have been like if it was a continuation of the anime. I really liked this anime. They threw something like BBA at the game store lol.

What about the old woman at the second-hand store or the alien? Well, it doesn’t matter… Does this mean that a higher-ranking being manipulated Konoha and Mamoru-kun to create the Eroge of their choice ? Hmm, I think it was wrapped up well. There’s no need to reveal what Echo is.

Maybe it ended better than I expected. It wasn’t a bad thing that the former alcoholic soft members got together, but it wasn’t that good. Episodes 11 and 12 Couldn’t they have summarized it in one episode? That’s Kono Mamoru END ━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━!!!!

A lot of things were left out, like the truth behind the time leap and the release of another game in 1999. But all’s well that ends well, so I cried! ! When it comes to Echo’s true identity, it’s the same as the True End, so please imagine it for yourself.

Maybe, but these guys are the creators or observers of the world.The ending isn’t that bad, considering the world as a game.I wish it would have followed the route of the first nostalgic Eroge game…as expected

, the length was not long enough, so it was developed into a digest version. I guess that’s the case, the past chapters have been completely cut out, and Echo’s true identity remains a mystery.Well, at least they made a new game properly, so I guess it would be a waste of time

To go back to 1999 to see if they got a passing grade.Anyway. I don’t think it’s a good idea to reveal it, but I think there are pros and cons about that OP being played at the end. It was put together better than I expected. I kind of enjoyed

It. I think it’s okay to think that there’s a different route in the disc or something. Is it? I wonder if the last 98 was an homage to aiming for the top . Well, it was barely safe. I don’t really understand. What was the

Point of returning to a normal-looking Akihabara after UFO? Was there any point in going back to 1999? I guess history changed because that game was released. It was better than I expected . It was reorganized as intended, and Mamoru from 1999 was able to inherit his memories.

I guess it’s okay to cut out the events of the time leap at the end. It’s redundant, though. good! A dud but a masterpiece! I read today’s story as well, but it’s all good as long as it ends

Well with all the alcoholic soft drinks appearing in GJ.It contains material from various nostalgic Eroge works that have ended.Personally, I enjoyed this season’s top class.If possible, 2 I hope they make a new season.The story has been properly wrapped up, so I’ll

Forgive it.I think it might have been a bit too much to do in one season.It was the best final episode.16bit It was really interesting . I didn’t expect it to be such a grand story. “Konoha, would you like to make a game together?” Does that mean… “permanent employment”? lol

Well, I thought it would come together, but somehow it came together beautifully. Konoha-chan is an angel! surely. I want to play the last game I made. Mamoru-kun brings out the good parts lol I guess it was a happy ending after all.

At first, I thought it was just an anime about making beautiful girl games, but I had a lot of fun with it! thank you very much! I’m sure Mamoru-kun’s letter was designed to have this ending… It’s the most emotional

Thing to see at the end, the ego that wants to make a game together . However, it all settled down, and when I think about it calmly , I think it’s amazing how a couple with a 47-year-old and 19-year-old age difference that is even more distant than a parent and child.The

Members of Alcohol Soft are reunited with Konoha-san. It was exciting to see them come together and make a game. It was great to see Konoha-san’s favorite Akihabara back, along with the memories of Mamoru-san, but I was a little sad that the married woman hypnosis game was lost.

Does this mean that there is no “fever” in married woman hypnosis stuff? Mamoru-kun prepares a program that displays this message, watches closely outside the window, and as soon as he spots Konoha, starts the program, moves from the door to a position where he can see his back, and

Strikes a pose to gaze at the sunset. I wonder if Maji Mamoru-kun ‘s final time leap episode, which was cut short, will be made into a movie someday… I’m thinking about finding a manufacturer that will release it, but I’d really like to see the story up until then.

I started watching it casually, but I was drawn to Konoha-chan’s straightforwardness and ended up following her until the end. It was really interesting. The last Mamoru-kun was so cool. It was quite a fantasy, but Akihabara’s time leap has to be like this! I think it turned out to be a work of art!

I was hoping for a higher level of completion, but this was still a work I could love! ! ! good work! There are clearly some elements that haven’t been recovered, but the story of Mamoru and Konoha is complete, and if you say it’s a respect for ADV culture, it’s

True in this work.I feel like it’s really sneaky. I thought he went in a different direction than I expected since he became an American, but I felt nostalgic for how the end of the erotic game anime was.

Mamoru-kun was so handsome until the end, and Konoha was 98. What you notice from the startup sound is that it was a really funny anime that made me laugh~ It was great that it ended just like when the two met for the first time, and the fact that the photo

Was taken at Comiket and Konoha was there at that time. I’m so grateful that Mamoru-kun remembers me, and I love Mamoru-kun for buying the building and waiting for Konoha for 20 years.It was the best anime.I can’t see Touya-chan’s current state. I really wish it had been better, but basically it was fun.

It was a great work that brought back the endless enthusiasm of erotic games back then into the modern era! When you clear the game for the first time , you’ll be left with the normal ending where you’ll say, “This is good, right?”

, but if you go around all the routes and collect all of PC98’s parts and clear it again, you’ll hear the PC98 startup sound and get the true ending. You can reach this point. Personally, I was hooked by Koga-san’s acting in this anime, so I hope

Koga-san puts more effort into acting characters with strong quirks like Konoha in the future . I also liked that it was suggested that the last game Konoha and the others made

Was a reflection of what Konoha had experienced…I thought it would end without touching on the content of the game at all, but it was great

To see that it was structured that way. The fun of the beginning had long since disappeared, and I was worried about how it would turn out in the final episode, but I

‘m impressed by the way the series restarts with people from the past in their older versions, which is typical of time-leap movies. I’m glad it ended up being a good story. It was interesting! A world that isn’t completely original For Konoha, this is better for

Mamoru and Konoha. Are their feelings for each other romantic? Although there is an age difference, I want to see how their relationship will turn out! I wonder if Mamoru seems to be single because he’s thinking about Konoha.As shown in the movie, “Imagination (creativity) and passion interfere with

The present, past, future, time and space, and even events, defining reality.” The amount of passion that was directed toward this work expanded to the conclusion of this work, and the true ending continued to affirm the wonderful amount of passion for “like” The final episode of making a game to restore Akiba to normal!

The foreshadowing of Echo and the others was well-recovered, and I felt the infinite possibilities of imagination.The best ending that really captures the various meanings of “my precious things” Konoha is the only one that remains unchanged in a world that changes.

Perhaps this is how we continue to say that we love things even in a world that keeps changing. Affirming the world that has changed, I am determined to remain here. It was a work that affirmed my love for it all the way. Thank you for watching until the end!

If you have any thoughts, points of interest, or thoughts, I would be happy if you could let me know in the comments! On this channel, we will introduce everyone’s reactions and impressions of the latest anime. By listening to various considerations and interpretations, you may gain new perspectives and

Discover new things about watching anime, so please subscribe to the channel and hit the good button! See you again in the next video! He was an anime gentleman.

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