Home » Announcers » 美人お天気キャスター » 神様の樹になりたい (I Want To Be a Tree of The Lord)

神様の樹になりたい (I Want To Be a Tree of The Lord)


Mugi Kinoshita(木下むぎ):mugiart.com
Animator and Illustrator, Mugi Kinoshita, releases a 2D animated music video “神様の樹になりたい【I Want to be a Tree of the Lord】”, following the music, a lost girl, Agi, is given a precious seed. She discovers that “when we belong to God, we are all God’s big family, like a tree with many branches”.


Video Details:
2D Animation Music Video (Puppet and Cel Animation)
Year: 2021-2022
Creator: Mugi Kinoshita (木下むぎ) | WEB: mugiart.com | Instagram: @_mugi.art.p_
Original Music: Jun Nemoto (根本潤) | SDA Saniku highschool music teacher
End Credit Background Illustration inspired by: Kim Minji

Animated: Toon Boom Harmony/ Background Painting: Procreate/ Video Editing: Premiere Pro/ FX: Adobe After Effects / CC: Davinch Resolve

“Mr. Nemoto’s songs have been great healing and comfort to many listeners, including myself. I dreamed of spreading this blessing to people in the world with animation that can carry messages regardless of age and nationality.

Since I was little, I struggled with depression, loneliness, and low self-esteem. What helped me was people who loved me and kept reaching out to me. This let me to experience true happiness in God. The seed others put in my heart grew inside and became great passion to reach out to others. When seeing people found peace, love, and joy in Jesus, I experienced joy that I’ve never had before.

Coming to God is such a powerful experience, especially when people feel weak, defeated, or ashamed. His music can remind us of God’s existence and gently pull us back to God. I believe that there is no greater comfort to a human’s soul than to know that God is with us in any circumstance. We hope to accept God because His Word is filled with promises, stories, and reminders of His love and grace. Through his music with my animation, I would like more people to have this blessing regardless of age and nationality.”

「広島三育学院高校の根本先生の歌は、私を含め多くのリスナーに大きな癒しと慰めを与えてきました。 年齢や国籍を問わずにメッセージを伝えることができるアニメーションで、世界中の人々に心の癒しを経験してもらいたいと願っています。

私は小さい頃から、コンプレックス、孤独、自己嫌悪に悩みました。そんな時に 私を助けてくれたのは、私を愛し、手を差し伸べてくれた人々で、私は神様の中にある真の心の幸せを体験することができました。 人々が私の心に植え付けてくれた幸せの種は、私の中で成長し、次は私が悩んでる人に手を差し伸べる力をくれ、その人たちが神さまにであって、癒されていく姿を見たときの心の幸福は、お金では買えない、心の温まる経験でした。

孤独、寂しさ、自己嫌悪に陥っているときほど、神様の愛と希望は大きく輝きます。根本先生の 音楽は私たちに神様の存在を思い出させ、優しく、私たちを神様に引き戻してくれます。 どんな状況でも神様は決して私たちを見放さずに共にいてくれると知る時、心はこの上ないほどの平安で満たされます。根本先生の音楽と私のアニメーションを通して、年齢や国籍を問わず、より多くの人にこの祝福を感じてもらいたいです。」木下むぎ

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daniel Ramley February 9, 2023 - 3:38 am

This video is so beautiful. Praise God for its wonderful message.

SgMAXn7 February 10, 2023 - 3:52 pm

Amazing! Thank you for this wonderful piece of work.

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