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#拜登 #中國新聞 #中美關係

At the invitation of Premier Li Qiang of the State Council Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte starts on the 26th Two-day working visit to China Visiting China again after 5 years What will Rutte mainly talk about with Chinese leaders? The Dutch business community has high hopes for Rutte’s visit

What signal is released? According to a statement issued by the Dutch government Within two days of Rutte’s visit to China, Will meet with Chinese leaders As for bilateral relations Economic and trade relations Talks were held on the Ukraine crisis and the situation in the Middle East The accompanying Netherlands

Van Levine, Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation will be the same as Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao held talks Discuss economic cooperation opportunities level playing field and The importance of fair market access In addition Rutte and van Leeuwen will also be in Beijing Dinner with Dutch business representatives

Discuss trade and investment in China Dutch People’s Daily This is the first visit to China since 2019 Whether it is accompanying officials or agenda arrangements All show the focus of his visit to China It is to discuss economic and trade-related issues with China The economies of China and China are highly complementary

The Netherlands is China’s third country in the EU Two major trading partners last year China-China bilateral trade volume exceeds US$117 billion Among them, China’s imports from the Netherlands amounted to US$16.9 billion. A year-on-year increase of 35.1% Shenzhen Satellite TV noticed Last May and February this year

Premier Li Qiang of the State Council had two phone calls with the Special Brigade emphasized in last year’s call China is the priority partner of the Netherlands within the EU and called for joint efforts to safeguard the global industrial chain Smooth supply chain from that netherlands

Such a country that maintains a high degree of cooperation with China Let’s look at the countries we have trade relations with. He saw this Germany including Germany France, Spain and other major European countries Continue to strengthen communication with China Coordination and high-level communication So as a country like this

You also need to look at it from the perspective of your own country. to deepen the relationship between uh, Zhongzhong and and further shape the relationship between China and Europe The Dutch Telegraph reported that The Dutch business community has high hopes for the special visit think in

Against the background of increasing downward pressure on the Dutch economy China continues to open its door Welcome overseas capital and enterprises Good news for the Netherlands Expect China vs. Netherlands Further relax market access Especially when the Chinese government undertakes Commitment to further open finance High-tech and service industries Shenzhen Satellite TV noticed

Last year end China announces first batch of trial unilateral visa exemption 15 days list of countries The Netherlands is among them more than 4 months Dutch tourists and business representatives enjoy Chinese Released policy dividends Increase frequency to resume China’s tourism business Promote the development of bilateral trade Enhance people-to-people and cultural exchanges

When China is uh made this opportunity for people to go to China bad visa i i went also me to chanza in January uh because i have the Netherlands passports so i could go that i was very happy we are planning to go back to China in October Dutch financial daily thinks

Although the Dutch government did not explicitly mention But ASML’s optical fiber machine may be Lutes top priority for discussion Reuters also quoted people familiar with the matter as saying ASML licensing issues It is indeed one of the topics of the meeting Lithography machine is a key equipment for manufacturing chips

Dutch semiconductor manufacturing giant ASML Is the world’s largest manufacturer of photolithography machines It is also the only supplier of photolithography machines for chess pieces. Advanced chip manufacturing processes at 7 nanometers and below Need to be achieved through EUV However, as advanced semiconductor equipment becomes the China’s technological containment

Against the background of the new battlefield Dutch government and ASML have become the main targets of pressure from the United States Dutch newspaper Volkskrant describes ASML has become The trigger for the chip war between China and the United States And the Netherlands is a pawn in this war Back in 2019

The then-Trump administration pushed the Dutch government Ban on sales to China ASML’s top-of-the-line UV equipment Last year, the Biden administration put pressure on the Dutch government again Further tighten export controls to China Starting from January 1 this year ASML products use American Using national technology as an excuse

Imposing coercion and intestinal jurisdiction over the company Restrict its availability to Chinese customers Advanced optical passenger equipment And for those Advanced manufacturing equipment already sold to China The license must also be renewed annually Industry insiders believe This actually adds follow-up coercive measures to the US side Probably the door of convenience

The United States instrumentalizes export control issues weaponized Interference with ASML dialogue export optical aircraft In fact, Asmai suffered a lot from it. China is ASML’s second largest customer in the world According to the company’s latest financial report last year ASML’s net sales reach €27.6 billion A year-on-year increase of 30%

Among them, the Chinese market accounts for ASML Optical Systems 29% of sales More than 6.4 billion euros Approximately RMB 50 billion It is generally believed that ASML’s growth last year Thanks to strong demand from China ASML responded to the request of the U.S. government earlier this year

Canceled some optical technology orders to China ASML CFO Dassen later lamented China market sales in 2024 may be affected by 10% to 15% Anderson, Chairman of ASML Monitoring Committee Even in an interview with Danish media Helpless expression Exporting chip manufacturing equipment to China Companies face disruptive unfortunate limitation In the long term

Restrictions initiated by the United States Could hurt ASML’s R&D budget Anderson also called on Europe One should not underestimate one’s own power in this struggle We should unite to maintain strategic autonomy like asmer A high-tech enterprise like the company He faces the world Such an attitude towards factors of production

Then he is more interested in watching I hope to see an open market like this able to bring talents Funds and technology are pooled to a greater extent Comprehensive To make a use of such a Thai to ensure that they Best interests at the corporate level So on such a basis?

China, as the world’s largest a market here It has the most powerful manufacturing industry chain. Supporting facilities and talent accumulation So and this close cooperation with China It is undoubtedly in the interests of Asmai On the 25th, the United States called on Gaza to the United Nations Security Council Immediate ceasefire vote

Abstained from voting The U.S. abstention was seen as unsupportive by Israel Israel cancels delegation Anti-counterfeiting has formed recently Former U.S. President Trump in an exclusive interview Can’t help but jump out of the police Claims Israel has made a big mistake The conflict must end According to Israel Today’s report on the 25th

In an exclusive interview with former U.S. President Trump Warning to Israel saying they are losing a lot of support The conflict must end now we gotta get to piece you can’t have this going on and i will say is you’ll have to be very careful because you’re losing

A lot of the world you’re losing a lot of support but you have to finish up you have to get the job done and you have to get onto peace you have to get onto a normal life for Israel and for everybody else at the same time

Trump also criticized him during the interview competitors Current U.S. President Biden Attitude towards Israel And claimed that on October 7 last year Hamas attacks Israel It’s because Hamas doesn’t respect Biden Trump claimed that if he were in office at that time Hamas will never launch another attack On the occasion of Trump’s remarks

US appeals to Gaza at UN Security Council Popular vote now give up It is worth noting that the right vote This is since the current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict broke out The first explicit request adopted by the Security Council resolution to implement an immediate ceasefire Voting on March 25 shows

Of all 15 countries participating in the vote 14 countries, including China, voted Yes vote Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said This right is clear-cut Demand an immediate ceasefire in line with the right direction for Security Council action Responding to the general expectations of the international community China welcomes this

Security Council resolutions are binding We ask the parties Fulfill the provisions of the United Nations Charter obligation Take appropriate actions in accordance with the requirements of the resolution We look forward to countries with important influence Play an active role on the parties concerned including taking all effective measures

To support the implementation of the resolution However, the U.S. representative declared after the vote The reason why the United States abstained from the vote was This resolution is not binding He also claimed Since the resolution did not condemn Hamas Therefore, the United States cannot support this resolution we fully support

Some of the critical objectives in this non binding resolution and we believe it was important for the council to speak out and make clear that our ceasefire must any ceasefire must come with the release of all hostages The outside world noticed The United States had previously Four vetoes were implemented on ceasefire issues

Repeatedly obstructed the adoption of the Palestinian-Israeli issue by the Security Council Relevant resolutions Explanation of the draft after abstaining from the vote this time Also to reduce irritation to Israel despite this Israel still immediately The United States, a staunch ally, expresses strong dissatisfaction Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu made a statement on the 26th

Ming criticized the United States for not using its veto power prevent the Security Council from passing the resolution It shows that the United States has clearly retreated from its position. Undermining military operations against Hamas he also announced Cancel the scheduled delegation’s trip to defend against the United States this week

At the same time Party B refuses to implement this ceasefire resolution Gallant, the leader of Party B who is guarding against the United States, said While there are still hostages trapped Party B will not cease fire If a decisive victory is not achieved Party B may face a bigger war in the north

Eleanor’s hotmosa rit la tsoeta milhamabaza adashir Nazira callahatufim albatam Emblana Sighabuha umhuletit Beazza za Lula Karev Mil Hamami Sophon This resolution passed by the Security Council Let the Gazans in Rafah The public has seen a bright hope People expressed Hopefully stubborn Israel will listen Opinions of the Security Council

Resolutions can be taken seriously and implemented Very popular as soon as possible Early morning on the 26th local time Maryland, Eastern United States A bridge in Baltimore, Texas, in the early morning of the 26th Encountered a container Ship collapses after impact At least 6 people are still under investigation US President Biden

On the night of the incident, he issued a speech about the incident. Video screen display A container ship Straight into a steel structure bridge Explosion occurred when hitting a bridge Several vehicles were driving on the bridge at the time of the incident Parts of the bridge collapsed immediately after the impact

Fell into the river According to the maritime data platform Early morning on the 26th local time The Singapore-flagged container ship Just departed Baltimore Harbor The destination is Colombo, Sri Lanka No one was injured or missing on the container ship But the bow of the ship was seriously damaged After the bridge collision

Maryland Governor Wes Moore announced The state enters a state of emergency Moore said Crew reported to relevant authorities before accident occurred Container ship loses power and send a distress signal After receiving the signal, the relevant departments Start blocking vehicles from entering the bridge to hear the words that the key bridge has collapsed

It’s shocking and harpering we are still investigating what happened but we are quickly god learning details the preliminary investigation points to an accident we haven’t seen any credible evidence a terrorist attack described by the local fire department The bridge collapse was a mass casualty event There are reports that

Six workers were repairing potholes on the bridge at the time After the bridge collapsed The authorities mobilized to poach people Search and rescue boats and helicopters conduct search But the water temperature where the incident occurred was low Strong currents and poor visibility Bringing difficulties to search and rescue operations

6 people have not been found so far The bridge collapsed in the early morning local time Many residents woke up from their dreams Still in shock There are also local residents The cause of the collapse express doubt dog last night around 1 30 i heard this loud boon

And they really didn’t you know i thought maybe it was an accident but nothing to this capacity how this bridge came down in a matter of just two seconds and you think to yourself well you know how many times have have i been on the bridge

How many times have my family members friends traveled on this bridge there there’s really no words very very very scary stuff magnificent infrastructure to go down like like cheesepex and not to mention the lives you know everybody’s praying for those poor people U.S. President Biden later on the 26th Regarding this incident

Give a speech Call it a terrible accident No sign yet and reasons to show that this was a deliberate act Biden also said The federal government will pay The full cost of rebuilding the bridge and hope that Congress will support this decision In addition, Biden also promised

Will go to Maryland as soon as possible to inspect the situation it’s my intention that federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge and i expect the congress to support my effort this is going to take some time When facing reporters, Questions about liability for accident ships

Biden did not respond directly i’m just curious this was a ship that appears to be in fault is there any reason to believe that the company behind the ship should be held responsible and then also eventually be but we’re not Gonna wait that happen we’re Gonna pay for it to get the bridge

Rebuilt and open Some American media also noticed Biden seemed to make another slip of the tongue during his speech He claimed to have commuted by train or car on several occasions Passing the hit bridge In fact, there are no railroad tracks built on this bridge. i’ve been over many many times commuting

From the state of delivery there are a trainer by car been in Baltimore Harbor many Times According to public information The bridge was put into use in 1977 Using the American national anthem to impress its lyricist Named after Francis Scott Key Total length 1.6 miles About 2.57 kilometers Four lanes in total

Across the Patapsco River The bridge is New York and Washington Traffic arteries between special zones It is also a time-travel One of three channels in Baltimore Harbor Average daily traffic volume: 31,000 vehicles Average annual traffic volume exceeds 11.3 million vehicle trips This collapse Expected impact on local supply chains

Local time on the 26th The Japanese government decided at a cabinet meeting Lifting the ban on Japan and UK and Italy jointly developed next-generation fighter aircraft Export to third countries and at the National Security Conference edited Operational Guidelines for the Three Principles of Defense Equipment Transfer This decision marks

Major changes in Japanese defense policy China is also concerned about Japan’s latest developments expressed serious concern i got good night and the hotel contact you the autono kill Yoshkurito Smitama RIPAS on the export of this fighter jet to third countries Japanese Defense Minister Mu Gennin in the cabinet

Said at the press conference after the meeting will go through a strict decision-making process continue to hold on as peace basic idea of ​​the country According to Kyodo News To avoid fueling international disputes, Japan There have been restrictions on arms exports However, following the lifting of the ban in December last year

Obtain foreign business license After export of authorized products manufactured This time the rules are further relaxed Lifting the ban on exporting highly lethal fighter jets Shenzhen Satellite TV Tokyo special observer Mao Feng believes that This time the Japanese cabinet’s new resolution and modification instructions

In fact, Japan has broken through more than 70 years after the war Bottlenecks to the ban on the export of anti-personnel weapons Also for future Japanese warships Submarines and other advanced military equipment Direct export to third countries opens the door to convenience Can tap the potential of Japan’s military industry Improve yourself

Japan’s advanced military equipment manufacturing capabilities and his R&D capabilities To strengthen Japan’s military and expand its military and a doubling of military spending in five years. Increase layoffs December 2022 The governments of Japan, Britain and Italy announced will jointly develop next-generation fighter jets The project name is Global Air Combat Plan Reportedly GCAP

Will be controlled by British-led Storm fighter project Combined with Japan’s FX fighter project Develop sixth-generation fighter jets December last year The three countries signed an agreement on joint research and development Next Generation Fighter Agreement Plans to start development phase in 2025 Aim to start deployment by 2035

Japan plans to deploy 100 aircraft by 2035 This new fighter Already succeeded the plan at The aging F2 fighter began to be retired in the same year The UK and Italy will use this new fighter jet Replace current Typhoon fighter jets It is worth mentioning that Japanese-English translation jointly developed by three countries

The problem faced is cross-generation development In short This was all despite the failure to successfully develop a fifth-generation aircraft. Directly enter the sixth-generation machine development project But before the news of joint development of sixth-generation aircraft came out, The three countries have conducted a large number of relevant studies respectively

The UK is the first in the world A country that publicly displays a full-size model of a sixth-generation aircraft Its project name is Baofeng The British claim Adopting many groundbreaking new technologies For example, a fully virtual technology cockpit Replace traditional cockpit display battle mode Perception ability and human-computer interaction level

To an astonishing level The sixth-generation aircraft project carried out in Japan is called FX And before that Japan has also launched an XR new god project But in the end, due to technical issues and other issues failed to continue An analysis indicates If Japanese transliteration can develop a sixth-generation machine across generations

This not only means that its technological level has surpassed that of the United States He even has a future space rule-making power It is reported that The specific division of labor for the joint research and development projects among the three countries is The overall development of the fuselage and system is by

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Japan BA1 Systems UK Responsible for the Italian company Leonardo The engine is manufactured by Ishikawa Heavy Industries, Japan Rolls-Royce Italian AVIO company is responsible for Electronic equipment is manufactured by Japan’s Mitsubishi Electric Leonardo Headquarters, Italy and its branch in the UK are responsible for 23rd of this month

Minister of defense of japan Mu Yuanren at the graduation ceremony of National Defense University give instructions Japan and Britain Italy to jointly develop next-generation fighter jets will become the foundation of global security and stability This time Japan, Britain and Italy jointly developed It is also Japan’s first time with

Allies Partners other than the United States Jointly develop a new generation of fighter jets So this is very important for building long-term weight A military alliance with a stable solid structure It is also an important breakthrough December last year The three countries agreed to set up an organization responsible for cooperating with enterprises

And trilateral organizations for export management Headquarters will be in the UK The first top leader is expected to be Japanese However, according to earlier reports from Japan and the United States, The peaceful constitution does not allow Japan to targets other than joint development countries New fighter jets for sale would complicate the project

So the Japanese government has been striving to pass the ruling party’s working consultation Businessmen come to lift the ban But the Civic Party remains cautious Until the 10th of this month Japan’s ruling coalition Liberal Democratic Party Hold talks with top leaders of the Civic Party would allow Japan and the UK to

Developed jointly by Italy Next-generation fighter aircraft export ceremony to third country reach agreement The core is to modify Operational Guidelines for the Three Principles of Defense Equipment Transfer Export targets are limited to next-generation fighter aircraft And the export target country must have signed a contract with Japan Defense equipment export Related agreements

And unlike exports from countries at war with Japan currently has a relationship with the United States India Philippines The UAE and 15 other countries have concluded the above-mentioned agreement. In addition, we are still negotiating with many parties The number of countries that can export may increase

But according to Japan’s Asahi Shimbun report on the 16th Japanese government and the effectiveness of the suspension mechanism emphasized by the ruling party. Still suspicious Especially to prevent the export of equipment from exacerbating conflicts stipulates that no aid shall be provided to a country that is in a state of war

Export this one Report analysis believes that Even if there is no war in the target country at the time of export But if a war breaks out soon Then there may be countries that are at war Using fighter jets imported from Japan In fact, a similar situation happened in the UK

And export of weapons and equipment to Saudi Arabia Later used in the Yemeni civil war Japanese media questioned Currently Japan The biggest problem with the arms export approval process is Congress as the highest authority in the country Did not participate in the whole process only by the government and the ruling party

Decisions can be made through backroom politics In Mao Feng’s view This arrangement seems to have many limitations But Still aiming to expand exports of other weapons and equipment set a precedent It’s the Japanese government taking small steps and running fast. An attempt to gradually break through the restrictions of the peaceful constitution

According to the explanation of relevant officials for each export case It also depends on the situation at the time K18 passes cabinet review K10 to cope So there will be progress not only in direct exports And in other warships On the vestibule and other military equipment exits There may also be a breakthrough

Since 2023 Japan’s defense force building Demonstrating a more aggressive assessment of security threats Accelerating adjustments to arms and equipment export policies and defense policy More prominent characteristics such as offensiveness Demonstrate Japan’s defense strategy Currently in the stage of deep adjustment In this context

Defense Technical Guidelines 2023 issued by the Japanese Ministry of Defense Propose the development priorities of Japan’s defense technology involving unmanned Automated new combat platform New energy and new materials high performance computing 12 areas including cyberspace defense Emphasis on brain-computer fusion technology Remote robot clone 35 key technologies including control technology

Since the beginning of the new year, Boao Forum for Asia After the National Two Sessions The first important event hosted by China Multilateral home diplomatic events Boao Forum Annual Meeting also the international community An important window to observe the pulse of China’s economy How will all parties build the Boao Consensus?

Put forward the Boao plan Many people participating in this year’s Boao Forum for Asia Guests at the forum’s annual meeting They all set off directly from Beijing to Hainan. which also includes Wang Huiyao, Chairman of Globalization Think Tank He told Shenzhen Satellite TV China continues to look outward in international forums

Deliver high level Firm confidence in opening up to the outside world Send a positive message to the world China’s current integration The challenge of integrating into globalization is still Quite a lot For example, how can we be better and more open? For example, our visa we recently

Visas for more than a dozen EU countries have been opened I think we can open up more We must approach reform with more openness We need to develop with more openness So I think This is what we want This wants more of this, take this Cross-company foreign investment attracted to China let them

Into the vast ocean of China’s market economy The Ministry of Foreign Affairs previously announced Zhao Leji, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Will be on March 28 invited Attended the Boao Asia Forum held in Hainan 2024 Annual Meeting Opening Ceremony and delivered a keynote speech

Wang Huiyao told Shenzhen Satellite TV He’s looking forward to it Then I believe this is The National Olympics Forum is geared towards Asia Facing the world What about this talk session where you look in the mirror? This fifth company commander’s speech It’s more targeted Send out a more open signal

So let’s promote 2024 This more open year-round development Former Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Italy italian independence party Head of Diplomacy and International Trade Michaela Geraci Report to Shenzhen Satellite TV He is optimistic about China’s economic development Looking forward to China and Europe continuing to strengthen cooperation Jointly achieve win-win economic development

China is a supplier of intermediate goods romatillos that Europe needs in its manufacturing process especially my country Italy in Germany and at the same time China needs some design even some high tech product that we do produce so i think the relationship is constructive but it has a very high degree of complimentarity

So that’s why i’m i believe that the relationship will continue to be to be positive Since its establishment in 2001 From the tent forum Go to an international exchange platform comparable to Davos The development history of Boao Forum for Asia over the past 20 years Resonating with the pulse of China’s development

And is committed to solving international cooperation Especially the difficulties in regional economic cooperation Pain points and reading questions While discussing these hot issues, Strengthen international communication and collaboration Become the biggest consensus in the forum On this basis Boao Forum for Asia based on Asia But look at the world

The circle of friends is getting bigger and bigger Shenzhen Satellite TV Invited to report on the Boao Forum for many years The reporter noticed Belt and Road is here The Boao Forum has become increasingly popular The business opportunities behind it Attracted many representatives to actively participate in the discussion

To jointly promote the Belt and Road cooperation initiative Providing advice on global public goods Michele Geraci told Shenzhen Satellite TV He recognizes it very much The vision and mission of the Belt and Road Initiative The Italian government should continue to integrate into the Belt and Road Initiative they do not

Understand that the Belton road is not something about Italian China only is about 150 countries in the world it’s about helping uh Asia Africa six billion people to develop infrastructure bridges energy um help those countries uh migrate from agriculture to manufacturing and service so i do want a prosperous Africa

A prosperous Asia in the interest of my own country so exiting the Belton road it means the message that the Italian government is giving to the world is that Italy does not want to take part in the development of eighty percent of the world population all of Asia

All of Africa and this is completely stupid

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@kenluis3776 March 27, 2024 - 1:20 pm

尽管如此好处,荷兰还是将对中国禁售 甚至禁售后服务,既想与中方贸易合作,又不想主持贸易公证。

@susanlie8307 March 27, 2024 - 3:18 pm


@hujiemin721 March 27, 2024 - 4:17 pm

敵對中國的國家要打貿易戰 要制裁,就跟他們玩貿易戰。抵制杯葛美國貨,抵制杯葛所有敵對中國的商品。美籍華人支持中國商品。❤❤❤中國加油。

@nainglinaung8628 March 27, 2024 - 4:46 pm


@nainglinaung8628 March 27, 2024 - 4:49 pm


@mulanlai5946 March 27, 2024 - 5:24 pm

主要AMSL 的问题。AMSL放声要离开荷兰去外国建厂。令荷兰政界震惊。 不要忘了,在新内阁组阁后,呂特就正式卸下荷兰首相职务,等待他的是北约新的领导职务。

@eliso5973 March 27, 2024 - 5:44 pm


@user-og8ef6pf4s March 27, 2024 - 5:54 pm


@05wu41 March 27, 2024 - 8:44 pm


@UnknownHdbch March 27, 2024 - 10:56 pm

ASML 可以和我们共同研发新光刻机

@suiyeelo6466 March 27, 2024 - 11:43 pm


@wingkeeho5864 March 28, 2024 - 12:56 am


@BM-rh4fq March 28, 2024 - 3:52 am


@alanwang5066 March 28, 2024 - 6:50 am


@DurcDurc March 28, 2024 - 7:13 am


@aprilmay2125 March 28, 2024 - 8:01 am


1) 我们中华民族自古以来就热爱和平, 对于任何愿意与我们真诚交往的国家, 我们都会欢迎!但是如果是说一套、做一套, 那就请不要浪费我们的时间和精力了!!!

2) 中国与俄罗斯的联合, 既是唇齿相依的必然, 同时又具有开起一个新纪元的划时代的深远意义!!!
The strategic partnership between China and Russia is NOT ONLY the result of the GEOGRAPHICAL INTERDEPENDENCE of our two countries BUT ALSO the CORNERSTONE of an EPOCH-MAKING MULTI-POLAR world!

3) 我们中华民族是一个有着五千年文明历史的国家, 虽然我们在近代的两百年落后了, 但我们仍然要挺起脊梁!!! 完全没有必要因为需要发展经济, 而去迁就美国或是西方的任何无理而又霸道的行为! 无论外部环境的好坏, 我们发展经济以及提高科技实力都要靠我们自己, 而不是任何国家的恩惠!!!🇨🇳👍🇨🇳👍🇨🇳👍🇨🇳👍🇨🇳👍🇨🇳👍

4)美国政府向来是说一套做一套!!! 说得再多也比不上停止对台军售, 解除对中国企业的制裁和减免对中国产品的关税更有说服力!!! 中国政府该出手时就要出手, 绝不能容忍美国政府的任何霸凌行为!!!

5) Taiwan has been part of China since 15th century! TAIWAN WILL REUNITE WITH THE MAINLAND CHINA IN THE NEAR FUTURE!!! NO COUNTRY on this planet can block this IRREVERSIBLE TREND OF HISTORY! Those western hypocrites who are refusing to recognize the reality WILL BE DOOMED INTO THE DUST BIN OF HISTORY!!!

All the efforts made by the U.S. government to suppress and contain the development of Chinese high-tech industries will be FUTILE!!! 👎👎👎

NEITHER the United States NOR any other country on this planet can block the progress of People’s Republic of China!!! The U.S. government can ONLY BLOCK THE PROGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES ITSELF!!!

7) 那些唱衰中国经济的人们, 到头来只会是唱衰了他们本国的经济!!!
Those people who are betting the decline of Chinese economy WILL ULTIMATELY FACE THE REALITY OF ECONOMIC DECLINE OF THEIR OWN COUNTRY!!!

8) The period of thirty years after the collapse of the former Soviet Union is NOT an equilibrium state, BUT A TRANSITIONAL STATE, during which the world experienced constant violences and wars! This uni-polar world dominated by American hegemony will be replaced by an EPOCH-MAKING multi-polar world, and NO ONE can block this IRREVERSIBLE historical trend! Those western hypocrites who are refusing to recognize the reality will be DOOMED INTO THE DUST BIN OF HISTORY!!!

9) The system of BRICS countries has become and will continue to be one of the most important polars in this BURGEONING MULTI-POLAR world! 🇧🇷🇷🇺🇮🇳🇨🇳🇿🇦🤝🇦🇷🇪🇬🇪🇹🇮🇷🇸🇦🇦🇪 👏🌸👏🌸👏🌸👏🌸👏🌸👏🌸
青山遮不住, 毕竟东流去!

10) By ARBITRARILY imposing economic sanctions against other countries, the U.S. government is DIGGING THE GRAVE for the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency of international trade!

11) People around the world should be UNITED TO FIGHT AGAINST American hegemony!

@armin1525 March 28, 2024 - 1:14 pm

他说的不知道算不算数 有没有自主权?

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