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■おすすめ動画 3つ


• 東京から北海道へ移住します。

ナナ / 27才。20歳で北海道から上京し、東京生活5年目で北海道へUターン。
ヨウヘイ / 27才。大学卒業後に上京し、東京のIT企業に就職。ナナと出会い、3年勤めた会社を退職し、北海道への移住を決意。今は札幌にあるとある会社で勤務中。



lens:sigma 24-70mm f2.8 dg dn
Editor:Adobe premiere pro

#北海道移住 #夫婦の日常 #暮らし #移住生活 #暮らしのvlog

February 2024 The entire field of vision is pure white. This is Hokkaido, where it snows all the time. The last time I posted a video was at the end of October last year. It feels like a long time ago, and it also seems like it was just yesterday.

I don’t know what to say first… I don’t have enough words to fill the blank four months, but for now, I’m living happily with my cat Um and my husband. I’m going to post a video. What were you doing during the period when you weren’t posting videos?

In a nutshell, there’s no particular reason, and I haven’t done anything in particular.If I were the main character of a manga, I would have grown twice or twice during this blank period, and would have a special move that would allow me to easily defeat my nemesis. He will probably be wearing it.

No, you don’t have to be the main character of a manga, you can pursue your dreams by getting qualifications or saving money. I had that much time. However, I haven’t earned any qualifications that I can be proud of, and I haven’t been able to save any money.

In fact, bank balances have been on a very sharp downward trend. I’ve always had that feeling since last spring. The ordinary and irreplaceable days that we lead, yet filled with peace and abundance in our hearts. A gray shadow creeps into such a lovely everyday life.

Time, the nemesis of us modern humans, has arrived… Do you know about time thieves? If you don’t know about it, please read the novel “Momo” by Michael Ende. This is a wonderful book that teaches us about true richness in a world where even the term “time performance” is used daily.

Okay, I’ve gone off topic, but the gist is this. I was busy and didn’t have time. But it’s okay now. The time thief has gone somewhere, and we are getting back to our “lives.” A rich life starts with breakfast. My recent motto is “white rice in the morning.”

Looks like today is going to be a wonderful day. At the dinner table, he says , we humans sometimes wear the rules we’ve picked up somewhere like armor, and unconsciously become stuck. That’s it.” Mr. Umu listens to our conversation with his ears, which are large for his face.

His rule is not to deny or agree. After an elegant morning, I water my plants. Although my days have been hectic since October, I have continued to give water to the plants, water them, and check on their condition.

It looks like the plants will be able to get through this winter without losing their condition. Needless to say, tap water in Hokkaido in winter is very cold, so adjust the temperature to around room temperature before watering. The plants must be happy too.

There’s no doubt about it, but it doesn’t look like he’s happy about it. Joy or sadness, I want water, I want to be in the sun. How much easier would it be to care for plants if they had such feelings and expressed them out loud?

Having said that, I enjoy listening to the unspoken voices and taking care of them every day. Water is given to the leaves in the image of rain so that water drips from the leaves and wets the floor. This is very good for the plants and not so good for the floor.

Fortunately, our rental property has a vinyl cushion floor, which is a relief. Mission completed today. The ferns on the wall grow bigger day by day, even in winter. The heavy snow that morning has stopped, and soft sunlight shines into the room. What a wonderful day! Let’s have coffee time before eating lunch.

Recently, I often eat Japanese food in the morning, and I often drink coffee at different times as a break time. When you shave the beans, the rich aroma of coffee fills the room. In winter, ventilation is neglected, so scents tend to linger in the room.Our

Beloved cat, Umu, has a better nose than we do, and is also more sensitive than we are, so she has a delicate mind, so she doesn’t care about stimulating scents. must be attached. However, Umu probably likes the smell of coffee. No, I want you to like me.

I hope the temperature soon becomes nice enough to open the windows and let a pleasant breeze pass through. Hokkaido teaches us the longing for spring and the beauty of the season. Accompanying coffee is the magazine “POPEYE”. This month’s issue had a special feature on rooms, so I bought it without hesitation.

I flip through the pages, hoping for some hints on how to create a comfortable room. Speaking of rooms, we are planning to move this spring. But we’ll talk about that again sometime in the afternoon when he starts to move. He often cooks lunch on holidays,

Not because he is in charge of lunch on holidays, but because the food he makes is suitable for lunch. His specialty dishes are carbonara and pork rice. Did you understand what I was trying to say? Both carbonara and pork rice are perfect for lunch.

To his credit, this is by no means a shoddy one-plate meal. I have seriously researched carbonara and pork rice, and through trial and error, I am working hard day and night to get closer to the pinnacle of each dish.Today’s dried noodles are “Monsulo” linguine. It is an oval, elastic pasta.

It coats the sauce better than spaghetti, which has a circular cross section, and the texture is more enjoyable. There are dozens of types of pasta, and there are many manufacturers that sell pasta, so the world of pasta is deep , and the cuisine itself is deep.

He likes things and things with such depth, and once he finds the entrance that leads to the abyss, he plunges into it. At times, his back disappears from view, and I relax and watch him, encouraging him to do whatever he wants from afar.

It’s my job to keep the room warm so he can come back from the deep woods someday. Meanwhile, his carbonara was completed. His carbonara is still a process of trial and error. He gives calm and accurate advice on how to taste his carbonara. A good chef always has a good mentor.

Lunch ended with hopes for his further improvement. I don’t have any plans for the day today , my plan is to relax. It’s late afternoon when Umu is also relaxing. The best day continues.

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@chikakom6131 February 19, 2024 - 8:30 am


@miyahara_070 February 19, 2024 - 8:34 am


@catherinehargrave5142 February 19, 2024 - 9:01 am

Lovely to see you all again! All of us need to have a break from routine and winter is the perfect time. Look forward to your next video chat 😊

@nanatoneko February 19, 2024 - 9:15 am


@Lorenzo.007_Ch_ITN.. February 19, 2024 - 11:15 am


@kumachii403 February 19, 2024 - 1:51 pm

❤わぁ ありがとうございます

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@gav6251 March 9, 2024 - 6:44 am

🔥 Promo*SM

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