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WEGO|マイナビ TGC 2024 S/S


2024年3月2日(土)に開催した『マイナビ TGC 2024 S/S』のステージムービーを公開!


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『第38回 マイナビ 東京ガールズコレクション 2024 SPRING/SUMMER』

2024年3月2日(土)開場12:00 開演14:00 終演21:00(予定)
国立代々木競技場 第一体育館

嵐莉菜、アリアナさくら、安斉星来、池田美優、入江美沙希、梅澤美波(乃木坂46)、遠藤さくら(乃木坂46)、大峰ユリホ、岡崎紗絵、岡本夏美、小川桜花(Girls²)、楓、香川沙耶、景井ひな、加藤史帆(日向坂46)、加藤ナナ、金川紗耶(乃木坂46)、金村美玖(日向坂46)、香音、茅島みずき、川口ゆりな、川床明日香、菊池日菜子、小坂菜緒(日向坂46)、小宮山莉渚、小室安未、雑賀サクラ、桜井美悠、桜井玲香、佐々木久美(日向坂46)、佐々木美玲(日向坂46)、白宮みずほ、鈴木愛理、鈴木ゆうか、せいら、髙橋ひかる、竹下優名、筒井あやめ(乃木坂46)、椿、鶴嶋乃愛、トラウデン直美、中条あやみ、那須ほほみ、菜波、新沼凛空、西村怜奈、生見愛瑠、原田都愛(Girls²)、土方エミリ、藤井夏恋、藤井サチ、藤田ニコル、藤本リリー、ブリッジマン遊七、ほのか、みとゆな、宮本茉由、村瀬紗英、矢吹奈子、山本舞香、ゆうちゃみ、ゆきぽよ(木村有希)、吉木千沙都、与田祐希(乃木坂46)、莉子、RUI(iScream)、渡邉理佐 ※50音順
木村友美、ぴょな、みりちゃむ、山川愛理 ※50音順
あの、市村優汰、井上想良、岩瀬洋志、王林、北原里英、このちゃん、JESSICA、翔、橘優輝、とうあ、中町兄妹、なこなこカップル、西垣匠、のせりん、八村倫太郎(WATWING)、バンダリ亜砂也、福原遥、本田響矢、丸山礼、村重杏奈、もーりーしゅーと、杢代和人、山下幸輝、よしあき&ミチ ※50音順
スカイピース、TWS、BOYNEXTDOOR 他 ※50音順
60%、aki masuda、CALNAMUR、KEITAMARUYAMA、me+em select、moment+、RESEXXY、SHEIN、WEGO、X-girl ※アルファベット順



Energ is fire conversation is right if you said Night baby I might let you say oh me you mind awine in mind tell your future like a Psy baby you going end up right in my chemistry is sence I could play it cool but I be liy read you like a py I’mma tell you something you going like it chemistry

Is better than what you is fantasizing different kind of St in the day my improve with you L you he me mind many sh come inwi in mind tell your future like a p baby you going up bright in my face chemistry is science I could play it cool but I be

Like read you like a I’mma tell you something you going like it chemistry is better than what you was fantasizing [Applause] [Applause] Tell your future like a Psy baby you going end up right in my way chemistry sence I could play but I Bey like a I’m tell you something you li chemistry is better than what you is fantasizing Conversation is right if you said Night baby I might let you say oh of me you mind sh in AWI mind tell your future like a Psy baby you going end up right in my B chemistry is sence I could play it cool but I be Li read you like a p I’mma tell you something you going

Like it chemistry is sence better than what you is fantasizing kind of St in the day my Pro with you I’m might L all of you he need mind sh in mind tell your future like a p baby you going up right in my chemistry is s i could play it cool

But I be Li read you like a I’mma tell you something you going like itry better than what you was fantasizing [Applause] [Applause] Tell your future like a Psy baby you going hand up right in my way chemistry is science I could play co but I be li like a I’m tell you something you going like it chemistry better than what you Fantasizing Energ is fire is right if you Night baby I might let you say All of Me need mind shwi in mind tell your future like a Psy baby you going end up right in my B chemistry is sence I could play it cool but I be Li read you like a it I’mma tell you something you going like

It chemistry better than what you fantasizing

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@agilepooh March 2, 2024 - 10:00 am

2:11 Yurina-chan is super cute and cool 🫠

@ohmaighad March 2, 2024 - 10:01 am

川口ゆりな 💙💙

@CamilaSouza-jl3nw March 2, 2024 - 11:12 am

Kawaguchi yurinaa ❤❤

@user-nq4wt1to8t March 2, 2024 - 11:55 am


@---ji9ch March 2, 2024 - 12:01 pm


@mimi0818 March 2, 2024 - 12:42 pm


@user-tn3zc2ym9b March 3, 2024 - 2:39 am


@niconicorunrun March 3, 2024 - 1:45 pm


@user-od3wt4pe2v March 4, 2024 - 12:58 am


@user-gb5bb9tn1m March 5, 2024 - 7:56 am


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