Home » Announcers » 女子アナ » 佐賀)衝撃的な鯉(コイ)さばき!活鯉ランチは即満席!川魚料理店に全国の常連客がなんども唸る、鯉のあらいと鯉こく/Japanese cuisine with great carp dishes

佐賀)衝撃的な鯉(コイ)さばき!活鯉ランチは即満席!川魚料理店に全国の常連客がなんども唸る、鯉のあらいと鯉こく/Japanese cuisine with great carp dishes



お店のHP: https://koishige-kiyomizu.com/

鯉のあらい 中舟(2~3人前)鯉こく付き … 3,800円+税
鯉のあらい 大舟(3~4人前)鯉こく付き … 5,250円+税
鯉しげ定食(おひとり様用) 鯉のあらい・鯉こく・ご飯・小鉢 … 1,850円+税
鯉のあんかけ(2~3人前) … 3,800円+税
鯉のあんかけ(3~4人前) … 5,650円+税

寒鯉の白子刺し … 800円+税
寒鯉のこりこり … 600円+税

鮎の塩焼き 一尾 … 650円+税
みつせ鶏の陶板焼き(もも・せせり・砂ずり) お一人前 … 各1,000円+税
みつせ鶏のとりすき(2~3人前) *二日前までの事前予約 … 4,200円+税
小城産大豆100%使用 あしかり豆乳麵 お一人前 … 400円+税
チーズリゾット風おじや お一人前 … 300円+税

#鯉の洗い #鯉の捌き方 #佐賀グルメ

When it comes to edible carp, they are large in size.The carp’s flesh is thick at first , but gradually becomes cone-shaped.The abundance of water makes for good carp.“Koi koku” is a soup that allows you to enjoy the richness of carp . The carp is lined with cabbage and has that crunchy feel.

2261 Matsuo, Ogi-cho, Ogi-shi, Saga Prefecture Established for 43 years by two generations of parents and children Cooking/Jidori “Koi Shige” Hiromatsu Fish Farm I heard that they purchase carp from “Koi Hiromatsu”, which I previously covered, so I took a photo of them being shipped.I

Fell in love with the koi and it has been in business for 100 years.Approximately 2.5 tons, There are about 2,000 carp in there.Today we will ship to about 40 locations.We will ship 500-600 carp, and the shipping amount will be about 700-800 kg.We will also

Be transporting the carp to be shipped from the tank to a transport vehicle at Ibusuki in Kagoshima Prefecture. They have a farm where they hatch and grow them until they are about the size of the palm of their hand.Then they are cultivated in six ponds in Ukiba City

Using flowing water from the mountains, and then brought to the head office until they are edible. After all, since it is a pottery item , it is difficult to prevent the carp from dying and to turn it into delicious carp as quickly as possible.The way to

Feed the carp also depends on how the carp gathers, so it is difficult to feed the carp even though the carp are not gathering at all. If you put them away, there will be losses, and if there is not enough food even though there are a lot of fish,

They will grow slowly, so it is up to the person in charge of aquaculture management to adjust the amount of food. I increase or decrease the amount of food I feed.About 1 and a half to 2 years, the carp will exceed 1kg, and it

Will take about 2 years for it to reach this size.The bigger the carp, the better, but customers prefer larger carp, or smaller carp. We receive requests such as a good carp, so we will match the size of the carp to the size of the request.This carp is about 2.5 kg, which is large

For edible carp.Most edible carp are black in color.In a pond with no current. The carp that is raised is often rounded and wide.The carp is called the flowing water style, and the carp is not elongated (height) due to the flow of the mountain water.The carp is taken from a

Carp tank delivered from Hiromatsu Fish Farm. She scoops it up and takes it to the kitchen. She knocks it on the head to stun it and then removes it. It opens its belly and takes out its internal organs.

This is a female. It’s close to spawning, and the eggs are solid. She cuts it into three pieces. Shige, the 2nd generation general. Hiromatsu is the first in this area to pump in clean water and also use groundwater (discharge).When it rains heavily, the water gets cloudy, so

In such cases we switch to groundwater to maintain clean water and a good environment . We “expose” the carp we purchased from Mr. Koi for about 20 days or more , but we use good bait at Hiromatsu Fish Farm, where we release the carp only with water without feeding them,

So we deliver carp that has as little odor as possible. At first, the carp’s flesh is thick, but it gradually takes on a cone-like shape.As the exposure process takes effect, the flesh gradually becomes firmer, and when you hold it, it becomes hard.This

Texture is one of the characteristics. If you are worried about it, if you think that the same fish tank is still effective, put it back in the fish tank and let it stock in for a while longer.Carp sashimiSlice the salmon meat that you just prepared earlier.The

Main menu of Koi Shige is carp ara, but it depends on the season. Koi Shige was the first to be served as sashimi.The food culture of the first general carp is unique to Shimizu, and this carp restaurant has the title of Bachelor of Agriculture, which is unique to other places, but

The essence of agriculture is food. I happened to be born and raised in Shimizu, where there was a food culture called carp, so I wanted to contribute in some small way (I started a shop) .Preparing the carp.Cut the head in half for the carp.The inside of the carp’s mouth.

There is an oro-vaginal tooth on the side, which allows you to crisp up hard foods.Wash the carp after it has been cut.I use white miso (rice miso) from Yanagawa, Fukuoka Prefecture (Tsuru Miso) .Miso is added from the beginning. After removing the scum from the shank , add the carp ara. Carp

Has long been said to be good for breastfeeding mothers to eat as it has the effect of improving breast milk production. It is also rich in collagen and taurine. Add roughly chopped onions to remove the scum from the fish, which has been called a “medicinal fish” since ancient times.The sweetness

Comes from the onions, so cook for at least 30 to 40 minutes, removing the scum from the onions frequently. This is how the flavor of the carp and the sweetness of the onions come out in the soup.

“Koi koku” is a soup that allows you to enjoy the richness of the carp, so when it comes to sashimi , cabbage, which can withstand the roughness of the carp, is shredded. However, unlike sashimi

, the carp must be cut into thin pieces of about 1mm.Also, when you put the carp next to it, it looks flat and doesn’t have a three-dimensional effect.If you put it next to the cabbage, it will look rough, so you can get a three-dimensional effect.Even during preparation , the phone rings a lot

On Sundays. On holidays, lunch time is almost fully booked… I’m so thankful for that.Since there are only a few rooms, reservations tend to fill up quickly.The restaurant has table seats, tatami mats, sunken kotatsu seats, and private rooms of various sizes, and there is

A barrier on the first floor. Both the free-handling room and the large room for up to 20 people are used as table seats and are fully booked.My father was the first owner, so it’s been 43 years.Other customers in Shimizu are shops that have been in business for 100 or 150 years. So,

We are the No. 1 restaurant run by Wakazo. We confirm the original reservation. We prepare a bowl of funa-mori. We spread out the cabbage we just shredded. This is a large serving of 3 to 4 people. This is about 2 to 3 people.

Recently, the number of people coming to us has been increasing, so this is how we prepare carp milt for one person . Milt roe is flat in the summer, but in the winter it gradually becomes plump and sweeter . Every restaurant puts it in the carp soup.Of course,

It’s delicious even if you put it in the carp soup, but this winter’s plump milt is served only with the milt, so after thoroughly polishing and preparing it, it’s served as gyoza . For our regular customers who enjoy the milt as sashimi, it feels like a competition for the milt.Blanch the milt.Take it

Out of the hot water and immediately rinse it with ice water.Make the ponzu jelly to use for the milt sashimi.In summer and winter, the carp becomes completely dry. In winter, we want you to enjoy the unique taste of winter.As the business hours approach, the carp is carefully removed using a bamboo skewer

, and the carp koku is thoroughly simmered over low heat to condense the umami.11 :00 Customers come to the store as soon as we open . When carp die, they give off a bad odor, so we use live ones to dispose of them quickly. There are three kinds of water in Shimizu:

Underground Shirasaka River water, waterfall water, and Tsurugiyama. There are three Seigawa rivers in Sankei, and I don’t think they did a water quality test to find that the Seigawa water is the best for carp, but the previous generations of Uchiten said

That the Seigawa water is the best for fish tanks. As he said, there is an abundance of water, so the water that pours in quickly flows out, which makes for good carp. Problems before knife handling in front of the chef Slice the carp meat into thin pieces . Slice the carp meat into

Thin slices . Check the timing of raising the meat by touching it until it’s firm and crispy. Once you’ve thoroughly exposed it, put it in a colander. Arrange the meat one by one in a platter . Sprinkle ice on top and top with decorations

. Show me the knife you’ve been using for years. The knife I received has been used for over 30 years and has been sharpened to make the blade smaller.My father (the first generation) used this knife at a restaurant in Tokyo a few years ago

At an event where ingredients from Ogi City were rented out at a restaurant in Tokyo. Mr. Itamae looked at his father’s knife and said, “Wow, Dad, that’s a shocking shape.” Sashimi provides carp sashimi for free in the winter so that customers can enjoy the fatty carp.

Delicious It’s the first time I’ve eaten it, but unlike Aara, it’s still crunchy (delicious) .Customers with reservations come one after another.Arai of carp.Salmon milt cut into bite-sized pieces.Sprinkled with ponzu jelly.Maple leaves served with grated green onions. ) Cold carp sashimiRemove the headOpen the belly and remove the internal organsRemove the scalesGret

The carp into three piecesRemove the bellyboneCrean carp is cooked with the skin on, so carefully remove the remaining scalesBlanch the skin Immediately in ice water Slice the crucian carp meat slightly soaked in ice water. Tighten with running water. Place ice in a bowl and serve with carp.

For those who don’t like carp dishes, you can enjoy dishes using “carp sashimi” and “carp milt.” For those who don’t like carp dishes, there is also a menu that uses jidori (mise chicken), which can be eaten wrapped in cabbage when eating carp arai. Or eat just the cabbage…

Vinegar miso goes well with it.Sometimes I have customers who ask for the cabbage separately.Pour the vinegar miso into the bowl.I was raised as a farmer, but I am also a farmer (I have been eating salmon for a long time. ( Eating well)

Since ancient times, carp have been said to have a dirty smell, but since they are exposed cleanly, they are delicious.My grandmother used to say, “I don’t feel well, so I should eat carp.” When cooking, I cut off the head and squeezed out the liver. Now that I ‘ve been drinking it,

It’s full of nutrients, but I didn’t have it in the past, so it’s a good source of protein.Since I was little, I’ve been chopping up the vegetables I use to make the carp ankake bean paste.I cut the onions into chunks, and cut the carrots into thin strips to make them easier to cook.

Cut the other ingredients while the vegetables are cooking. Wood ear mushrooms. Sweet potatoes . Fry the thinly sliced ​​sweet potatoes in oil. Drain the sweet potatoes with paper towels until they are crispy. Remove the pulp from the pumpkin and cut into bite -sized pieces. Cut and fry in oil

While the pumpkin is frying, prepare tinsel eggs.Spread a thin layer of beaten egg in a frying pan.Turn it over to heat it up.Coat the carp meat cut into pieces.Place the fried pumpkin in the bean paste. Slice the cooled eggs into thin pieces. Remove the carp tempura from the oil.

Arrange the carp tempura in a bowl.

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@user-sz6vb8dz3k March 6, 2024 - 10:32 am


@insight2035 March 6, 2024 - 11:05 am


@changkim7389 March 6, 2024 - 11:38 am

잉어를 양식해서 디스토마균이 없다면 최고의 요리를 만들수있는게 잉어라고 생각합니다 ^^

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@th3mmch March 6, 2024 - 12:28 pm


@user-szdeskksjnnsj March 6, 2024 - 1:45 pm


@nfkazumi6491 March 6, 2024 - 3:01 pm


@user-ct1se1mm2e March 6, 2024 - 3:47 pm


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