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#舍利 #秦始皇 #唐太宗
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two thousand five hundred years ago Sakyamuni Buddha after his Nirvana and cremation There are a lot of crystal clear Colorful relics The Moluo people who are inspired by the boundless Dharma Right where Buddha was cremated Built a nirvana temple Used to enshrine Buddha relics Then came eight kings

I am willing to ask for a share of my body to be used as an offering. These relics are the true remains of Sakyamuni Buddha It’s a priceless treasure Not only earthly kings want Even the dragon king and gods in the sea want this

After negotiation 16 00:00:34,605 ​​–> 00:00:36,806 Divide the Buddha’s relics into three large parts They were given to the Gods, Dragons and Humans respectively. After Sakyamuni Buddha’s Nirvana About another 200 years passed In the Mauryan Dynasty of India, an upright person appeared A household name – Ashoka

During Ashoka’s reign, he conquered east and west Dominate the Indian countries Unified the subcontinent except South India Among the eight countries that used to enshrine Buddha’s relics Six of them were conquered by Ashoka In the eighth year of King Ashoka’s accession to the throne tired of war

He feels that he has committed a serious crime A sincere confession from the heart and take refuge in Buddhism After that, King Asoka came up with the idea of The idea of ​​vigorously promoting Buddhism So he took out the Buddha’s relics from the pagodas in the six countries Divided into 84,000 parts

Put them separately in treasure letters Sangha was sent to many countries at that time According to the records of “Three Treasures of the Past Dynasties” 246 BC Monk Shili Fang Leads a group of 18 monks Ordered to escort the Buddha’s relics to China After three years of long journey

The Sangha traveled to 36 countries Finally in 243 B.C. Set foot on the land of the Central Plains It’s getting late that day The Sangha is located in Meiyang (Fufeng), Shaanxi Province Resting in a mountain forest There was no current lighting equipment more than 2,000 years ago

Everyone’s work and rest time follows the sun As soon as the sun sets, everyone falls asleep At this time in the dark night sky Suddenly a group of colorful auspicious clouds rose up Shili Fang in his sleep It’s like being awakened by some mysterious force Open your eyes and see the night sky

Such a wonderful sight unexpectedly appeared Just when Shili Fang secretly rejoiced An old man appeared out of nowhere The old man’s whole body is translucent The whole body seemed to be enveloped in a circle of golden light At first glance, he looks absolutely extraordinary. At the old man’s instruction

Shili Fang followed the old man to a high slope. At this time the old man said: “This trip to Middle-earth Don’t be in a hurry to offer your relics We have to wait until people believe in Buddhism Only then can the Buddha’s spiritual bones be brought to the world.” The words just fell

Before Shili Fang could come to his senses, The old man turned into a golden light Suddenly disappeared without a trace Only then did Shili Fang discover to his surprise where you stand I don’t know when a big mound suddenly formed. Since there is a god to guide the way

You should obey God’s arrangements So I ran back quickly Awakening Sangha members The bizarre encounter he just experienced Told the rest of the sangha Someone just said it We are the envoys of the Maurya Dynasty Traveled thousands of miles to come to China Seeing that the mission is about to be completed

You can go back and do business now How could he be stopped so easily by an old man? Some people also say that the old man is probably a demon. Are you here to deceive us? The goal is to make all our efforts go to waste! Faced with everyone holding their own opinions

I couldn’t decide, so I finally decided to release Fang. Decided to bury the Buddha’s relics under the mound of soil first Wait until you meet the emperor of Middle-earth before making a decision At that time, the Central Plains was in the Qin Dynasty

Ying Zheng, who just ascended the throne, was only 16 years old All the power in the DPRK is in the hands of Prime Minister Lu Buwei When Shili Fang and other monks expressed their intention to come, Before Ying Zheng opens his mouth, Lu Buwei scolded all the monks.

He also said that they were monks who deceived the public with their evil words. With one order, all the monks were thrown into prison. I didn’t expect Lu Buwei to make such a fuss The monks suddenly remembered The mysterious old man from before reminder in advance Secretly glad

Fortunately, the relics were not donated directly. Otherwise this group of people Maybe it’s a fool’s errand Throw away such precious relics as trash Maybe? While the monks were whispering in their native dialect, Suddenly, a Vajra appeared in front of me and opened the prison door. took them out of jail

Although Shilifang and his party successfully escaped from Xianyang, But then I started to worry again: Next, should I return to India to resume my life or stay in the Central Plains? The final result of the discussion It’s all left But everyone has to choose a place to preach the Dharma

Wait until next year when Sakyamuni Buddha is born Back to Meiyang Yiju again It’s just that things are unpredictable In the troubled times of the Warring States Period This parting turned out to be an eternal farewell to each other Monks and the Buddha relics they brought It became a mysterious legend time flies

From the time when Shili Fang came to the Central Plains 300 years have passed in the blink of an eye At this time, the Central Plains welcomed the CEO of Dahan The highlight moments of Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty

One day Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty dreamed of a tall golden man Light shines from the top of your head I saw a golden man falling from the sky Falling in the Han Palace How could Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty dare to be negligent? Quickly tidy up your clothes

Go and greet the saint respectfully Another blink of an eye The saint turned into a golden light and disappeared Saints come and go without a trace Didn’t leave a word Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty was anxious wake yourself up from dream Oh, it turned out to be a dream

But the saint in this dream What does it mean? Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty hurriedly summoned Summon the ministers to interpret your dreams Fu Yi, the most knowledgeable minister in the court, said: There was an enlightened saint in the West called Buddha This dream is a warning to Your Majesty

Buddhism should be introduced from the Western Regions This will ensure the prosperity of the Han Dynasty. When Emperor Ming of the Han Dynasty heard about Long Yan, he was overjoyed. Send people quickly to the west to seek Buddhism. Yongping ten years (67 years) Kasyapa Mateng and Zhu Falan

Coming to the Central Plains on a white horse carrying scriptures Considered the year when Buddhism was introduced to the Central Plains The second year (AD 68) The first Buddhist temple in the Central Plains The construction of Baima Temple was completed A friend with a good memory Maybe you still remember

Have we said it before The Buddha’s relics are still buried in Meiyang (Fufeng) For 300 years, no one cared about it The monks who entered China earlier are no longer alive. When will those underground relics see the light of day again? Time comes 80 years after the completion of the White Horse Temple

At this time, the eminent monks of Parthia An Shigao came to China this night An Shigao’s place in Meiyang (Fufeng) Resting in a shabby hut Suddenly a bright ray of light rises from the ground Soaring into the sky Then a red light shot into the sky

An Shigao immediately realized that the place where the glow rose was unusual. Hurry over and check it out Under the guidance of Xia Guang The relic finally buried for 300 years to see the light of day again Also excavated include Buddha finger relic Nineteen Buddha relics included

And a Sanskrit blue brick recording the entire incident. At this time, the Emperor of Han Dynasty had been replaced by Liu Zhi, Emperor Heng of Han Dynasty. Emperor Heng of the Han Dynasty heard that the treasured Buddha relics were actually in China. Immediately aim to build temples and pagodas across the country

Offer relics Temple designed and built by An Shigao Used to worship Sakyamuni Buddha’s finger bone relics It is said that the temple was originally called “Ashoka Temple” In the third year of the founding of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty (583 AD) Renamed “Chengshi Dojo” How did “Chengshi Dojo” become famous?

Became the well-known “Famen Temple”? This has to mention Li Yuan and Li Shimin, father and son. Tang Taizong Li Shimin was born in Qizhou Wugong County It is only 60 miles away from “Chengshi Dojo” At that time, Li Yuan served as the governor of Qizhou. Li Yuan grew up in a temple

Worship Gods and Buddhas throughout your life Apart from handling government affairs Just go to a nearby temple to burn incense and worship Buddha. Li Shimin has been frail and sickly since childhood. Li Yuan went to the temple to burn incense and worship. After seeking peace for his son, he received blessings from Buddha

Li Shimin recovered from serious illness So Li Yuan asked someone to make a stone Buddha statue and send it to the temple to fulfill his vow. The first year of Wude (618) Li Yuan, the founder of the Tang Dynasty, proclaimed himself emperor The monk in the temple – Samantabhadra

He presented a memorial to Li Yuan Talking about the last years of the Sui Dynasty War and chaos, temples deserted I hope the royal family can repair the temple Li Yuan readily agreed So it was renamed “Famen Temple” The second year of Wude in the Tang Dynasty (619)

King Qin Li Shimin led troops to attack Xue Ju’s rebellion Fight the enemy in Fufeng The King of Qin was stationed at Famen Temple and entered the temple to worship Buddha. Soon after, King Qin put down the rebellion and won a complete victory. When rewarding the armed forces Li Yuan issued an edict

The King of Qin made an exception and allowed 80 people to be ordained at one time at Famen Temple. In the fifth year of Zhenguan (631) Zhang Deliang, the governor of Qizhou, invited Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty to Open Famen Temple Pay homage to the Buddha’s true body relics

Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty made a stroke of his pen—accurate performance Since then, it has become the first time for emperors of the Tang Dynasty to pay homage to Buddha. It also started from the fifth year of Zhenguan The Tang Dynasty opened the temple pagoda every thirty years

Take out the Buddha’s finger relics for the monks and laypeople to worship and pay homage to. The grand occasion of paying homage to the Buddha’s finger relics and strange phenomena that occur There is this description in the records of “Fayuan Zhulin”: Relics placed high up

Monks and lay people who came to pay their respects Everyone sees something different Some people saw that the relics looked like Transparent as jade, white light shines everywhere exudes dazzling light Some people also saw that the finger bones are all green Some people will see an image of Buddha standing in the air

Or see the Bodhisattva or see the red light… Of course there are people who can’t see anything. After asking the whole story, I found out that this person has done many bad things in his life. So some kind-hearted people taught him to repent to gods and Buddhas. Repent with great piety

Sure enough, soon we were able to see a wonderful and holy scene. In order to protect the finger bone relics of Sakyamuni Buddha Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty issued an edict The wood originally used to build Wangyun Palace was Transferred to repair the pagoda of Famen Temple to strengthen the tower base

So later generations say Without the dedicated protection of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, It is estimated that the finger bone relic of Buddha The destination has long since disappeared in the middle of the journey It will be difficult for future generations to see his true appearance

Buddha bone relics from India thousands of miles away Entering Famen Temple After more than 300 years Full of magical colors Then the journey of Sakyamuni Buddha’s Tooth Relic to the Central Plains What’s the legendary story behind it? Let’s stretch the time to the Southern Dynasties Liu Song Yuanhui three years

At this time Master Faxian came to Khotan (now Xinjiang) After studying the great principles of Buddhism extensively, Return to Jiankang (now Nanjing) Before leaving A monk gave him a beautiful box And said that the Buddha’s tooth relic is preserved inside. It is an unparalleled treasure

I hope he can take him back to the Central Plains to support him well and encouraged him to vigorously promote Buddhism in the future After Fa Xian brought the Buddha’s tooth back to the Central Plains, Feeling that the treasure is rare For fear of causing unnecessary disputes Never dared to tell anyone

Until Emperor Wu of Qi One day in June of the seventh year of Yongming On this day the second son of Emperor Qi Wu Xiao Ziliang, King of Jingling Dreamed that I came to Dinglin Go to see the eminent monk Fa Xian in a dream

King Jingling saw Fa Xian lying on the bed So he stepped forward and said to Fa Xian: “The four sufferings of birth, old age, illness and death are Even people with five magical powers cannot escape Master, besides your mantle There is another treasure to be treasured

Can I donate it to make merit? ” “In the poor monk’s inventory There is indeed a priceless treasure Now I respectfully I entrust this treasure to you Please go get it yourself! ” So King Jingling opened Faxian’s cabinet and started rummaging through it.

At this time, a small box was suspended in the air Upon seeing this, King Jingling quickly opened the box. I saw light radiating from the box A Buddha statue is looming in the light Dreaming of this, King Jingling woke up from his dream At the prompting of dreams

King Jingling had no choice but to send someone to visit Fa Xian with suspicion. and recounted the strange dream he had had Final plea to the mage Give rare treasures Because something happened suddenly Faxian’s request to King Jingling I don’t know why and I’m speechless for a moment But soon I suddenly realized

Since receiving the Buddha’s tooth relic, He has always been tight-lipped Never revealed any information to the outside world Now King Jingling actually found me after receiving enlightenment from gods and Buddhas in his dream. It seems it’s time

Let the Buddha’s Tooth Relic, a treasure passed down from generation to generation, be brought to light again So he personally delivered the Buddha’s tooth relic to Prince Jingling’s Mansion. Now this Buddha tooth relic Enshrined in Xishan, Beijing Lingguang Temple Buddha Tooth Relic Pagoda

The other one is kept in a wooden pagoda in Yingxian County, Shanxi Province. I just heard so many legendary stories about relics I don’t know who you were before the video Are you also curious about the identity of this relic? It is truly a testimony of the boundless Dharma.

Or is it because the world is trying to make things mysterious for him? Buddhist disciples in Ying County, Shanxi invite American Gemological Society (AGS) Dr. Gao Bin from the Hong Kong branch conducts testing This gives people the opportunity to uncover the mystery of the Buddha’s relics The first step in identification

Dr. Gao needs to rule out the suspicion of fraud first. He wanted to determine the small beads on the Buddha’s tooth relic and the surrounding materials Is it synthetic? Or was it attached with industrial glue? However, after inspection by infrared and electron microscope,

The beads and surrounding material were found to contain no organic carbon There are no traces of glue. The possibility of artificial synthesis was quickly ruled out Step 2 Just test the ingredients Dr. Gao uses an electronic probe It was detected that the relic is composed of multiple elements

Among them, carbon accounts for 99.97% In addition, there are trace amounts of sulfur, zinc, silicon, strontium and other ingredients Such a large proportion of carbon Almost consistent with the composition of diamonds This made Dr. Gao feel extremely surprised. Could it be that the Buddha bone relics are really people?

The invincible King Kong that has been rumored for thousands of years? In order to further solve the mystery in my heart, Dr. Gao moved out two more instruments: Thermal Conductivity Meter and Electric Pressure Meter Use thermal conductivity meter to detect the authenticity of diamonds

The pressure gauge can detect the hardness of the relics. As a result, under the weight of the 2,000-ton long column, The relic was actually intact Dr. Gao was stunned and stunned. Unexpectedly, the Buddha’s relics are as hard as diamond He began to make bold speculations

Since the relic is as solid as a diamond Is it possible that it is a meteorite from outer space? Meteor diamonds are usually found only in meteorites The arrangement of its carbon molecules is characterized by the hexagonal equiaxed crystal system Harder than the diamond we know In order to verify my inner guess

Dr. Gao moved out the X-diffractometer Seeing this, I couldn’t sit still at all. It turned out that it was under the instrument As expected, the crystal of the relic showed a hexagonal crystal This incidates that Although the relic is composed of diamonds But not from the earth we know

It’s a meteorite flying from the sky. This test result It undoubtedly made everyone present feel incredible What followed was an even more incredible scene After magnifying the Buddha’s relics 1000 times under electron microscope The relic not only emits a halo There are even five seated statues of the Buddha. clear and distinguishable appearance

Dr. Gao was amazed by the results of this appraisal. “It’s amazing, it’s incredible.” In the body of Sakyamuni Buddha Why can it be burned out? What about this material from outer space? This is really puzzling Maybe the energy of the relics doesn’t come from the human world at all.

Okay, thank you for watching. See you next time.

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咱就先从这个“八字”说起。大家都承认,人生有命,曰“八字”,实际加上大运应该是“十字”。一个人什么时间出生,什么时间入土,一生的历程,哪年哪月该干什么绝大多数都是按照人的八字运行着, 大家想想,这是不是宿命?这就是说人生有个剧本,人一生下来就按照这个剧本演戏。人有宿命,历史朝代的更替呢?天体的运行呢?地球的运转呢? 是不是也是按照各自的剧本在演戏呢?







据统计, 世界上百分之九十以上的大科学家研究来研究去,最后都认可了神的存在。其实,在另外空间了一切都是神(在地狱中还有鬼,因为相生相克的理,在宇宙空间中也有魔的存在):山有山神,水有水神,村有土地,城有城隍,灶有灶神,门有门神。地球是个神,宇宙是个大神。

现在大家都知道有神论认为人是神造的,中共与无神论认为人是进化来的。神造也好,进化也罢,我说是宇宙孕育的,这不违背神造说,也不违背进化说。那么这就出现一个问题,既然宇宙在这个地球上能孕育出一个会说话、有智慧的聪明的人来,那么这个能孕育出一个有智慧人的大地球、大太阳系、大银河系、大宇宙却是无知的、纯物质的;一个能生出有智慧的孩子的母亲却是无知的,这符合实证科学的逻辑吗?所以圣人告诉我们,微观洪观都是神。 一切都是神,一切都是神造的,是万能的上帝,也就是创世主创造了这一切。然后又安排了宇宙的规律,历史的走向。大的太阳系、银河系、宇宙的走向有规律,人类社会有规律,这个规律是不是就可以叫宿命?


中国的历史传说中讲,盘古开天地,女娲造了人。神造了人之后,再派神下世教人生活的本领:如神农尝百草,教人种五谷,燧人氏钻木取火,有巢氏教穴居,仓颉造字,伏羲创八卦以通神明,让人能够与神明沟通……经历三皇五帝漫长的岁月,人神同在时期,人类在神的呵护下,人文基础基本就绪 ,不同朝代的大戏开演了:夏、商、周、秦、汉、隋、唐、宋、元、明、清,民国退,红魔兴,历史敲末钟。


现在世界上正邪两大阵营摆在我们的面前,一边是“真、善、忍”、宇宙中最根本的佛法法轮大法在世界上洪传,一边是撒旦魔鬼、以中共为代表的恶魔祸乱人间。<圣经启示录>告诉我们,到历史的最后一页 ,凡是打上兽的印记的人不管是大的、小的(即共产党员、共青团员、少先队员),都要喝上帝愤怒的酒,在地狱中沉沦、永不复生。刘伯温说,大难来时,”穷人一万留一千,富人一万留二三”。 唯有退出中共一切组织,牢记“法轮大法好,真善忍好”,一定会有一个美好的明天。“ 真、善、忍”与“假、恶、斗”, 用历史阴阳镜照照,正邪善恶自然分明。

有人可能会说:既然是一切都是神安排好了的,那就认命吧。在一般情况下,人还是要奋斗的,如果不奋斗,可能连应该得到的也得不到。但是你的奋斗能不能成功, 还要看你的命。如果宿命中没有,你的努力也会劳而无功。除非多做善事,广积阴德,神把你已经在另外空间已经演过戏的“磁带”从新剪辑一下(也许是这样),改变你的宿命。在人看来这是不可思议的,在神来看是非常简单的,据说神可以使时间倒流。大家都知道“善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报时辰未到,时辰一到一定会报;不怕当世报就怕来世报;行善不昌祖有余殃,殃尽必昌;作恶不报祖有余德,德尽必报。”这是天理。这天理说明了做善事可以使自己的命运得到改变。


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