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[SUB]多國要砍波音訂單?美愛用陸量子電腦?【金臨天下X新聞大白話】 @tvbsmoney


#波音 #訂單 #美國 #大陸 #量子電腦


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So let’s take a look at some of the major issues in the world. Everyone is surprised that something happened to Boeing again. Remember last time, mid-flight, the door fell off at high altitude and set the plane on fire. Now there’s another emergency situation on a Delta Air Lines 757.

On Saturday, at the Atlanta Airport, I was still taking off and had already started flying. During taxiing , the nose wheel suddenly came off and rolled down the runway . Someone from the tower noticed it and informed the tower that there was something wrong with the plane. They quickly told them to stop

Flying. There were 172 people on the plane who almost died and their lives were hanging by a thread. What happened ? Boeing planes have this kind of situation all day long , including the door falling off and the plane colliding. Even Blinken, did he have trouble with the plane?

The solution is to change to a smaller aircraft to return home. There are so many fires in the sky . Is it possible for Boeing to survive? All orders have been sold out. FAA This is a statement from the US Federal Aviation Administration telling everyone that it

Has suspended the purchase of 737 MAX. The production expansion includes 737 9 also approved that all 171 grounded Boeing 737s should be carefully inspected. This safety issue was even more basic when there was no way to rest assured. Of course, the U.S. senator also met with the CEO of Boeing

And told him that your safety should be high. In fact, profits are not basic. If you have no safety, there will be no profits, and there will be no goodwill. Dave, the CEO of Boeing, is also having a headache now , including finally being

Able to deliver this 737 order to China after 4 years. As a result, there is now a series of these things. Obviously there are still some variables that will happen . Now the Airbus Life Cycle Service Center should hurry up and take advantage of this time to

Grab orders. Is it going to be put into operation here in Chengdu to grab further orders ? Airbus wants to In addition to the possibility of being the first to order , of course there is also the mainland’s own domestic aircraft. The mainland’s domestic aircraft C919

Will make its debut during the Spring Festival . It will play an important role in this Spring Festival , including routes from Beijing to Shanghai and Chengdu. These places show their influence and have invested tens of billions in the production of this large domestic aircraft.

Is there any chance that in the future, the previously purchased Boeing will be replaced by domestic production or Airbus ? I don’t know , and it is not just an aviation aircraft, it is a civilian aircraft, including one developed in China. Small and medium-sized aviation aircraft led by Yulong

Are also developing this so-called new hybrid electric power system. Various research and development systems have been successfully developed, which makes everyone think that maybe there is a lot of room for this new system at air shows . Or like Origin Wukong said that the United States ranks first in users

And affects the world , or the target opponent of the space war is no longer NASA. Hong Kong media reported that China is now testing various chips in its own space war and has gained an advantage in China’s space field. It has a certain influence in the battle for hegemony.

Don’t you have to look at NASA’s face anymore? Liang Ge and Boeing. We have seen these news from the first and second pieces. Now we really think it is outrageous . In fact, there is only one company in this industry for a long time. There will be this phenomenon. Airbus is

Composed of different countries , so I think it has a certain internal restriction and supervision mechanism . In the United States, even the aviation supervisory unit is from Boeing , so I will tell you about its internal There will definitely be more cases of corruption or deliberate escorting

Than Airbus , so I will tell you that this is the same as in Taiwan. Who else has Taipower besides Taipower, right? Almost everyone who understands electricity is from Taipower, so they will interact with each other. Escort: China Petroleum and Petroleum Corporation have Formosa Petroleum Corporation

, so China Petroleum Corporation does not dare to talk nonsense. So I think there is really a problem with the Boeing system in the United States. I have also read some reports that some aviation authorities in the United States sometimes let loose. Maybe that’s why I haven’t been punished or held accountable.

Let’s be frank about this problem now. If it keeps happening, there will be 2 or 3 cases every month. It’s too scary. Who dares to take advantage of me during the Chinese New Year? I might have to take a plane with it. I’m scared of the whole world. The best-selling airplane

Is the one that has been selling the longest and the best. Just kidding, if you ground the United States, you must first ground the Chinese mainland. In fact, it seems that almost 96 aircraft have been banned. There are still new orders. It was going

To be banned for a long time, it was going to be opened, it was going to be opened… Now it’s stopped again and again. That’s it. Of course, there will be two results. The first is that Airbus’s orders will be smoother,

And it will have more money to invest in the research and development of Airbus . The gap between Pakistan and Boeing will widen. The second country is China, which has started to make its own aircraft. It is safer for me to fly my own. At least there are no orders at all .

The Chinese mainland market is so big that it will slowly eat itself. The market has also reached Southeast Asia, and Boeing’s relatively short- and medium-range aircraft will slowly be replaced. Long-range aircraft will be defeated by Airbus. So there is no way to do this. I don’t know how to explain

This. This is no longer a core competency. The problem is a system problem because even the emergency cockpit door fell down last time. It was so scary. It was so scary. I like to sit next to that cockpit door and my feet are loose. You know, you can see it. I dream about

Myself at night. It’s so scary. It really scares all the passengers, doesn’t it? Just thinking about what happened to Boeing recently has already frightened everyone. Is it possible that the global aviation industry will be reorganized as a result? What does Mr. Yuan think? I think the aviation industry is a safety issue.

It cannot be measured in the same way as interests. What this congressman, Senard, said is actually tantamount to humiliating the American Boeing Company because you are an aviation company. When we were talking just now, everyone made it very clear that your biggest worry when flying is falling off.

Now the door has fallen off, the tire has fallen off , and there is a hole here, and the oxygen is leaking . Are you kidding me? Because we usually only hear the news. You haven’t exposed it yet. Let me tell you. First of all, there must be two problems.

The first is that you must have problems with the entire management. Do you know that? And the second is about the quality of your workers . Why should I pay attention to it ? When it comes to the quality of workers , I once searched for information to see what problems would arise

After TSMC moved to Arizona. Workers in the United States are very good at organizing unions. They actually described TSMC as a sweatshop. At that time, I was shocked. The result was that TSMC It was completely impossible to reach the United States. Then their Liu Deyin immediately said that

We could not make a profit. This was a big problem. But in this aviation industry, you need to understand the mainland’s C919, C929 and so on. In the process of developing the aviation industry, the mainland is not just for one breath, but for the sake of profit. If you prove

That you have the ability to develop , then this C919 will be operational starting from the Spring Festival this year . From Shanghai to Beijing or back and forth , or from Shanghai to Chengdu or back and forth, China Eastern Airlines will operate this matter. Because of this matter,

If you have one company, the longer you can fly. I think this is God blessing China. It has this opportunity because now everyone realizes that you can’t just buy Airbus. Now it is not enough, right? Airbus’s own production needs to be transferred to me . I got a message that

Airbus has a lot of orders. Turn it back to Boeing, right? Because it is too late to produce it itself. In this case, I think the C919 will have to rely on its own strength. In short, I want to emphasize one thing : the development of the aviation industry is very risky.

If you invest, you will know if something goes wrong. You are done with everything, right ? In addition, I want to talk about the engine part of the mainland and the quantum computer part. I want to emphasize that I think because we have good friends in our school and they introduced this

, it is about this quantum computer. In terms of the development of science and technology or quantum computing in mainland China, basically speaking now, I would like to ask everyone to pay attention to the fact that there is a team at the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei, Anhui

. From the very beginning, it started from a bench in the Shaolin Temple. A few people worked very hard and slowly. If they start doing it now, they will have some concrete results in the whole process of development. That is to say , because it involves mathematical talents and physical talents

In quantum calculations, the mainland itself has said that so far, I think the mainland They are very clear in their hearts , that is, after the information age, after the Internet age, what is now being compared is the ability of quantum computing, which is computing power.

You need to understand this computing power. Of course, although we philosophers have no idea how to apply computing power . It is an issue that everyone is concerned about , but in fact it also shows that in terms of development, the mainland itself wants to compare with the world’s advanced countries

And is making rapid progress. If such outrageous incidents like Boeing happen again and again, of course it will have a negative impact on the market. The possession and trust of the public must be greatly reduced. Boeing is a standard unfilial and pampering pig. What is the result? Because Boeing was

Promoted by a lot of political power to establish the market , so Bombardier was eliminated. This is Canada . Brazilian Airlines was canceled. In fact, both of them had the ability to develop what we call small and medium-sized aircraft such as the 737. With the support of the United States, these two companies

In the Americas were eliminated. Similarly, Boeing There is a strong political power behind the sales , and the sales of Airbus are basically more economic benefits. So you pay attention to how many American aircraft Taiwan was forced to buy. It was either Boeing or the DC congressman of that year

Came to publicly talk about sales. Ah, it used to be like this and it was all forced. However, this Airbus is basically from an economic point of view. From the economic point of view, it means that if I do well and sell well, I will promote it because it is a multinational company

And France does not have enough. Although the final assembly was made with a French brand, France’s political power in the world would probably be difficult to force others to buy, so Boeing, with the support of American political power, forgot who he was,

Because as long as I have the political power to come forward, It’s not a big difference. Secondly, in order to save costs, Boeing outsources a lot of its components overseas . It’s not outsourced to overseas. It’s not globalization. And you can’t personally control these components

. When you cross the sea to own it, you are under a lot of pressure. Generally, the components will be in the large parts of the large aircraft . For example, my entire wing is a good choice. Later, let’s take a look at Lai Qingde, the president with the fewest votes in history.

What did they do? In comparison, we just mentioned in the previous paragraph that the legislators who were defeated by the Kuomintang Party in Weiya. Legislators like Cai Biru did not invite the defeated legislators from Weiya. They were all found and cheated. Near Liao , he said that

Many things that did not meet social expectations occurred during the election process. Therefore, in addition to expressing his gratitude to campaign cadres and supporters from all over the country, he also hoped that the DPP would continue to review and regain public support. It seemed that his attitude was soft. But

Why did you choose to treat guests near Laipiliao and let the committee members who were going to attend the unsuccessful dinner party have to check in ? Does anyone know that Yunlin Su Zhifen went up from Yunlin, Mazu, not to mention taking a flight

To Taitung Lai Kuncheng? It was also because of this that Taitung Lai Kuncheng went to a restaurant near Laipiliao to eat and then ran to check in. He himself also called Laipiliao good , and then went to New Taipei thousands of miles away to eat. Why , of course, General Shuai Huamin

Analyzed this on our program. This is his personality , and this is his political character . You beat me during the election. Laipiliao has never been positive from beginning to end . In response , let me just highlight it. No matter how you win, I just chose it here.

The meaning is so strong that this kind of personality is considered to be very stubborn. Even the Lord cannot be angry and raise an army, and cannot be angry and lead to war. This is what he thinks. In the future, if our commander-in-chief is easy to be

In the severe situation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, he is so stubborn and so stubborn . As long as I like it, there is nothing wrong with it . Of course, the unpredictability and risk will be very high . Lai Qingde is now facing Among the four major social issues

That everyone discussed during the election campaign, it is now more clearly summarized and occurs in our entire data. For example, export orders were announced to have dropped by 16% year-on-year , and the past 16% recession rate was among them. Foreign industrial production has also shown signs of

Even more sluggish performance than the market expected due to the COVID-19 pandemic . Originally, the Tsai government said that our economy was very good and the economy would recover . Now it seems that there is still a question as to whether it can recover in the second half of the year,

Not to mention that it is possible soon. Electricity prices are about to rise. Taipower’s losses have reached as high as 382.6 billion. Should Taipower rise in April, the increase may be as high as 25% . There will be a war . Of course, this increase will affect

The inflation of various supplies for people’s livelihood , not to mention the post- election U.S. Navy. This is the first time a destroyer of the Seventh Fleet has passed through the Taiwan Strait. This is also the first time a U.S. destroyer has passed through the Taiwan Strait since the Taiwan presidential election.

What does such an action show? A Washington think tank said that China will invade Taiwan with force within five years and have the ability to block it. Of course, I just said that After the fleet passed through , the Democratic Progressive Party government emphasized that it represented the United States’ support for Taiwan.

But is this true? CSIS, the Washington think tank of the United States, said that the possibility of a military conflict in the next five years is low , but it may adopt measures to isolate Taiwan. Isolation and blockade are even like China’s large-scale military exercises on the Taiwan border in 1996.

Scholars have many opinions and say that it may be even more dangerous if Lai Qingde is forced to make some very dangerous decisions by the United States , so there are various predictions. So where is Taiwan’s independence? We have only seen the new recruits enlisting in the army today.

Their parents are very worried during the process of shaving their heads because the military service has been extended to one year . So what are they worried about? Of course, will it be the first time they have to go to the battlefield? A group of people, parents, are worried. Of course,

The security of the Taiwan Strait is the thing that everyone is most worried about. Before the election, everyone shouted so much, but after the election, the current situation is still the same. What does Brother Liang think of Laipiliao’s banquet ? This is really very interesting. It’s strange that this Laipiliao

Is recognized by everyone as a place where he loses points. Then he must travel thousands of miles to treat guests, regardless of the fact that some people come from the central and southern parts of the country and have inconvenient transportation. This actually reflects his personality. You know,

Because I have compared it with Chen Shui-bian. The election speech of the 2000 318 election also included Lai Qingde ’s election speech on January 13. Chen Shui-bian was elected with 39.3%. You were elected with 40.05%, right? So you knew you were a double minority that night. Chen Shui- bian spoke very low-key.

Chen Shui-bian knew about the DPP for the first time. Governance is a major international event , so he said that I would do my best to use my ability and goodwill. At that time, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait had not yet broken the ice. He talked about navigation issues, investment issues

, and even military mutual trust. He listed a lot of issues … and then Carrying out institutionalized consultations, so that later on in May 20th, his inauguration speech would talk about the four differences. Everyone knows that the results of Chen Shui-bian’s May polls reached 60% . Because everyone still has some respect

For the first political party rotation , he felt that he said You are so serious about facing the situation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait , so you have some expectations for him. If you compare Lai Qingde, Lai Qingde was elected on January 13, he directly said that we were

The first election of the democratic camp this year and we won. The second sentence was that we resisted. The CCP failed to introduce external forces to the election. Then the third party said that we are on the right path and we will not go back, right? He said this kind of thing

And the United States was so scared that the delegation came the next day on January 14th. After landing, Nauru broke off diplomatic relations on January 15th, so General Shuai Huamin will be worried. This is not unreasonable . This person is paranoid , stubborn and paranoid. He only sees the things he cares about.

The thing he cares about is that I win. The whole world heard that there were nearly 70 elections this year. Taiwan was the first one. I won the first battle on behalf of the international democratic camp. Aren’t you talking to mainland China? People already told you about you before the election.

After being elected, you will encounter many difficulties. Do you really think that pragmatic Taiwan independence workers will be fine? In fact, I have been repeating a point recently. I said that Chen Shui-bian and Tsai Ing- wen have worked hard. They are just because you have not. Talking about the cross-strait positioning

, the mainland still cannot read back. However, both of them have not submitted the make-up test papers. Both of them scored 59. You, Lai Qingde, scored 0 points. You need to find out . Lai Qingde, you scored 0 points because you have never handed in the test papers. Do you know that

You are right ? I have never submitted examination papers on cross-strait issues , so people can’t see your efforts at all . Under such circumstances, you are still so high. So you can see that he stopped talking after he severed diplomatic relations with Nauru. Finally, he was given a head-on warning and

Started to know. How troublesome the problem is , but I don’t know what he is going to do. For example, I am now I haven’t seen the Democratic Progressive Party’s election defeat review. He may think that I just won. Your votes were 17% less. Your legislators were elected like this.

You are the party chairman. I haven’t seen the election defeat review now, so you read a lot. People from the Democratic Progressive Party caught Wang Zhian yesterday and pounced on him. Finally, they found a place to shift the focus. Even 1,450 people from all party offices were dispatched to attack Wang Zhian.

By the way, they took revenge on He Long of the People’s Party for letting Ke P have such a high score. Zhao Shaokang fucked you. Is this program right? The moral standards are so high all of a sudden. It’s Revenge. It’s because you, Lai Qingde, didn’t reflect on your defeat

, so you didn’t create an atmosphere of self-examination within the party. You also invited everyone to Laipiliao, so you dared to do so. With this kind of atmosphere, you simply think you have won, you know, so now everyone is going after whoever caused our votes to drop. The first person

To be chased is He Long . Unfortunately , that’s really the case because He Long is with Huang Guochang and Zhao Shaokang both allowed two people to score , so the first one was chased. This pursuit was not in line with the principle of proportion. It was too out of proportion.

Let me tell you, our Immigration Department was also out of proportion to Wang Zhian . Such behavior should probably be banned. One year is almost over, he has been banned for 5 years. So what are you doing here to show your loyalty? Is it because the officials of the Immigration Department

Are afraid of not being able to continue? Should I tell Lai Shen quickly that I am a very thorough anti-China security platform and remember to stay? I keep my 520. If you want to keep me, that’s why a lot of party officials are trying to be more tough

And take the opportunity to hunt down He Long for revenge. How can you be so good to Zhao Shaokang and Huang Guochang? By the way, you want to take revenge on the People ’s Party. You still want to support You Xikun. Don’t be so stupid. Is this the latest news? Remember,

The former secretary-general of the People’s Party, Xie Ligong, said that Huang Shanshan still has dual party memberships? Why did Chen Zhihan come out in the first place and say that we are a soft party , so we don’t care whether we have dual party memberships, etc. Wait

, but the Kuomintang Party’s central committee has just held an extraordinary meeting and made a decision. If a non-regional legislator does not resign from another political party before February 1st, he cannot take over as a non-regional legislator. So Huang Shanshan has to worry about

Her. At that time, she was running for mayor of Taipei without party membership. Now if she does not resign from the original People’s Party membership, she will not be able to serve as a non-districted person . Of course, the People’s Party is still fighting in various ways

, but how do committee members look like Lai Qingde ? I insist on this approach in Wanli. I first talk about Wang Zhian being repaired by the DPP. I also think it is very strange because basically in the program, he criticizes the old communists and criticizes the old communists. That is to say,

Now rely on Those who came over in mainland China are relying on the Kuomintang. Be careful. When your interests conflict with the Democratic Progressive Party, they will kill you on the spot . They will say that you are the same as the old Communist Party. This is what they say. There is

Also a green media saying that he is a Chinese undercover agent . So remember that if you want to be with the DPP, embrace it and be absolutely loyal without any deviation. I will let you die for the sake of my value. He is a good example.

This is the chaos of the DPP . The second one is let’s briefly look at Lai Qingde. Didn’t you say you want a charity trust? And you forgot to take it seriously. You will lose . Continuing from the topic in your previous paragraph, why am I so stupid?

I told you that I forgot, because since you want a charity trust It means that the existence of this house is inappropriate , but I don’t know how to deal with it , so I used a public trust to pass it in the election. If the election goes too far,

Forget it. What else is there to show to me? If you fight, I will fight here for you. Otherwise, what do you want? This arrogant and stubborn personality is definitely what General Shuai Huamin said. Actually, it is not what General Shuai said. All of us probably have this feeling

When there is a conflict between the two sides. Your subjective emotions affected your decision-making . For example, at that time, the Tainan City Council refused to enter the city for more than 200 days. You had a moral high ground and there was nothing wrong with it. However, that high ground

Completely trampled on your legal system that should exist . This is also true across the country. This is an illegal building. Except for the election team of the Democratic Progressive Party, which does not recognize it, all of them have recognized it. You must have a public trust.

As a result, what are you doing here ? Here is a banquet. This is to tell everyone , don’t worry. I was elected. This is my home. This kind of arrogance and this kind of Shengfeng brother may prove that this is the Dragon Cave pair…

Be careful, the dragon will turn into a bug. I will tell you how close the Qi is , but the Qi is not positive, it is negative because they are all defeated. Originally, negative and negative are positive. Right, so don’t play these games. What you are doing is indeed making people panic

, because the children have shaved their heads in the past few days and are going to serve as soldiers for one year , and their future president is someone who can take offense and defend himself. People who can fight fiercely for their obsessions , so of course my parents are worried. Of course,

Professor , I think it’s the two committee members just now. I do have a strong feeling because I didn’t deliberately highlight it , but because of the environment in which I grew up, I am now in contact with people after the election. They will all think that Lai Qingde was actually

Very stubborn and paranoid before the election. After the election, he was arrogant and proud. So sometimes I felt it because sometimes I just said that you would let me because I remember the impression very clearly that it was just Chen Shui-bian. When Tang Fei was elected as the Executive President,

You must remember that this is an action, this is a gesture, and this gesture must be made. Why does Brother Liang often emphasize that please, you are now the president of the whole people, you are not just taking care of the Democratic Progressive Party. wrong Moreover, what you said before about

Issues other than lameness, you yourself, everyone will find that this matter is too strong. I cried five times again because of the environment in which my family grew up . I cried many times because of the environment in which my family grew up. If a president is such a scoundrel,

Now he is so lame. If you act so stubborn , so proud, and so arrogant, you have to feel very uneasy about 60% of the entire group . Why? There are three types of people who will feel very uneasy. The first one is that Americans feel very uneasy.

You are tantamount to forcing the United States. People want to directly realize their own strength. Americans are basically not ready , but Americans cannot say that I am completely incompetent, so on the one hand they send people to do it. I think first of all , Lai Qingde

Became arrogant after a few minutes . You are too arrogant. The Americans probably said something to tell you that you can’t do this. At the beginning, Glacier told you what you are going to do now. You have to coordinate quickly and give up your Taiwan Independence Party platform. The second thing is that

Everyone enlists in the army for one year of military service. Parents who have enlisted in the military will worry that I think this is really ridiculous, because in fact I am a rather idealistic person. I myself served in the military for the Republic of China for 2 years. When I tell foreigners

This in English , they are very worried. If you are proud, they will feel that you have served the country for 2 years, especially when speaking French. Service and service are the same verb, so it is a very honorable thing to say. Being a soldier in the United States is also very honorable.

In Taiwan, parents are so scared to death that they actually shaved their heads and felt like they could never come back after saying such things. The third type of people are very worried, that is, all the people in Taiwan are worried because of what you Lai Qingde said and how you

Expressed it in various aspects. You will have a strong backlash. In fact, I just met someone who said that when he was the mayor of Tainan, he did not enter the parliament for more than 200 days. I was about to ask if he received a salary. I am sure he did.

Then you can If you understand you, you will understand that you have two hands, right? One hand is holding the waistband of your pants, and the other hand is pointing at others. Isn’t it right? So speaking of yourself, you, the three kinds of people, you have to take care of

The results of the vote. You are now the president of the people. After the opening is over, it is not the time for you to be proud, it is the time for you to be humble, humble and humble… You have to be humble at least 5 times, right?

The words themselves were spoken by Tsai Ing-wen. Tsai Ing-wen said them at that time , because what the old Communist Party said is basically the same in mainland China now. For Tsai Ing-wen, who will not give him any time for this kind of time , more than half of them are

Very high to Tsai Ing-wen. I would like to add a sentence: Chen Shui-bian is really called listening to his words and watching his actions. Tsai Ing-wen means that the unanswered questionnaire is right. So that’s it. Lai Qingde, these words won’t be used anymore, right… they won’t be used anymore. Then

What will you say next? I don’t know. No one knows . People who are preparing for compulsory service are going to be soldiers. As long as I like it, what can’t you do? You can take the high-speed rail. What does it matter if you

Come here and take a long car ride ? He just wants to come to my Laipiliao to eat. This is his style. I am Wang Qianqiu. Next, I will introduce this section. Join us to discuss international and domestic politics. Our guest , Guo Zhengliangliang, PhD in political science from Yale, Brother,

Everyone is safe. Mr. Yuan Juzheng, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, National Taiwan University, Qianqiu. Hello, dear audience friends. Hello, former legislator Li Shengfeng . Qianqiu. Hello , everyone. Of course, the focus of the political arena is now on the battle for the leadership of the Legislative Yuan . Now there are also

The so-called general calls of various political parties. However, Hanguo-yu participated in a symposium organized by Battle Blue this morning on how new legislators should be good legislators. What did he say? Listen to his live talk. Who is the fox ? Do you want Lai Qingde? Ke Wenzhe

? Ke Jianming? I don’t know about You Xikun , but now Xie Longjie has publicly stated that if the People’s Party finally supports President You and allows You Xikun to be elected in the battle for the leadership of the Congress , then the Kuomintang

Will not even be able to accept the vice president. Therefore, You Xikun’s current attitude is even though he was interviewed. At that time, he was full of confidence , but everyone in his office had seen him packing the Congressional Office. There were a lot of cardboard boxes outside

The dean’s office, and it looked like he was being cleaned. But he said he would leave if anything went wrong, so he was prepared first , not to mention that the office also had to do it regularly. Do some sorting , so whether you are mentally prepared or confident,

There are some moves that you can observe for some tricks. After Fu Kunqi withdrew from the so-called vice-president battle in the party, where brotherhood was more important, he began to announce that he would compete with Lai Shibao for the party. Can he compete with Ke Jianming for this job

? Lai Shibao wanted to pull Han Guoyu and said that when he fought against me 8 years ago , I suffered a bloody head and a bloody head . Fu Kunqi didn’t see it when he pulled Han Guoyu and shouted this. Of course, the supporters of the blue camp

Have believed in the combat effectiveness in the past 8 years. It is not enough to be weak in the Legislative Yuan and has no fighting power. But now the Kuomintang has raided the Legislative Yuan and roared in the past. Hundreds of supporters are showing their support and so

On. What exactly do they owe ? Of course there is a description of it. The media says it owes Yan Qingbiao. At that time, Wang Jinping was the president. At that time , there was a war on the rostrum. In fact, member Li Shengfeng and Brother Liang had experienced so many

Conflicts in the Legislative Yuan. How to show combat power in the Legislative Yuan for deliberation and issues is the most important thing for the Kuomintang to stand up again and win the approval of voters. The key is that who can get the seat of dean may not be the most important thing

For the operation of the entire discussion , but it has the greatest symbolic significance for the blue camp. DPP Wang Shijian used to be a long-term Ke Hei, but now he is When he shouted that Bai Ying wanted to cooperate with Lu, he said that since you claim to be

If Ke Wenzhe calls himself a dark green, then in terms of the ultimate political concept, he will reach the same goal as us by different paths, so we have the same general direction and cooperate with us. Even General Ke Hei is shouting, does it represent the DPP

And has been waving to the People’s Party , including Are there various resources such as joining the cabinet? Ke Jianming is of course the one who speaks the most. He criticizes these 8 seats as useless 8 seats. But he also calls out that the DPP has lost its advantage

In Congress. I am afraid that the DPP will no longer have the main battlefield in the future Legislative Yuan. There is a battle for the dominant seats every day , and Lai Qingde issued a military order to everyone at a central committee meeting

Within the party, saying that communication between the Executive Yuan, the Legislative Yuan and the Party Central Committee must be strengthened in order to be able to grasp the procedures or final developments of all proceedings in a timely manner. Okay, so who Ke Wenzhe will support as the leader in the Legislative Yuan

Is still a question mark. There are various claims that there must be a response to their demands for reform . Now the Kuomintang has also responded , but it still has not relented. It depends on who he wants to support . It was decided that if we look at the 2024 presidential election

Based on the example of Taichung , the People’s Party’s vote share reached 30.05% , which is the area closest to the match between Lai Xiao and Hou Kang. This area also happens to be the blue and white demonstration area with the best atmosphere. Locally , Jiang Heshu, the chairman of the People’s Party’s

Taichung City Party Committee, said that in the future, the People’s Party has seriously discussed whether the Legislative Yuan should be green and white. Jiang Heshu also said that he is optimistic that Ko Wenzhe will cooperate with Lu Xiuyan again in four years , so now is the stage. Is there any

Way to merge with the DPP first and then the Kuomintang? Brother Liang, let ’s take a look at the new legislators from the Legislative Yuan. So they have to spread their wings and fly high . There are still many issues in the party . There is

Still a struggle for hegemony, including the Legislative Yuan, and it is hard to say who can be the leader. Although Brother Liang, you have already guessed that it should be roughly decided. No, because if the People’s Party really supports the Green and White Alliance, it will be seen that this party

Is completely chaotic and stupid. When you were a blue-white political party , you could still get the vice president. Several ministers were yours. Now you are a green-white political party . What did you get ? Next, Lai Qingde started to throw out some

Ideas to win over people from the Kuomintang Party to join the cabinet. I don’t believe that after you agreed to the Green-White alliance, you, Ke Wenzhe, can still stop you . For example, if I give you random examples, he can win over Zhang Qilu and win the election,

Or win over Lai Xiangling to the Ministry of Labor . How can I stop it? How can I stop it ? There are also some scholars from the People’s Party. If you combine green with white, you will become a little green. I tell you that you still have to choose 2026. It’s ridiculous

. You just go and do it and let people see you. Stupid, chaotic, blue and white, you get the world. Ke Wenzhe got the vice president . Maybe he also got the vice president of the Executive Yuan and some ministers . Now he got You Xikun. I support you.

Give us some ministers . Maybe they are all deputy ministers. It’s true. It’s ridiculous, so I think Xie Longjie is right. If you vote for the Kuomintang in the morning, you will vote for You Xikun. Then in the afternoon, the Kuomintang will all vote for Huang Shanshan. You will

Be the two of you drinking coffee . Don’t play around there. In the morning, I voted for You Xikun. In the afternoon, I voted for Jiang Qichen. It’s hilarious. No one in the world is doing politics like this. Everyone wants to be so Machiavellian

. You vote for You Xikun in the morning. In the afternoon, the Kuomintang will change its position immediately. You can all vote for Huang Shanshan. Let me see if you want the Kuomintang Party. Supervise the creation of the submarine nation so that you can really play and everything will be sent to you.

That’s how it is. So if you want to play politics, don’t think that everyone is the same as you. It’s like everyone has 8 seats to decide everything. There is really something in this. It really means that you have to act righteously or you vote for yourself to show your autonomy.

You don’t necessarily support Green or Blue in the future budget bill . Otherwise , if you combine with Blue, you will be a pure opposition party. Then compete with the Kuomintang. Who is good at political supervision ? I don’t think there are many people in the Kuomintang who can beat Huang Guochang.

If it is really a competition for political supervision, what I mean is that you don’t want to make a mess over there . I voted for You Xikun in the morning and in the afternoon. Vote for Jiang Qichen. What route is this? Tell me what route you highlight.

In addition to showing your power, don’t just show it. I have 8 seats. I can decide this decision and that. That’s it . Then I won’t play with you. I will do everything in the afternoon. Vote for Huang Shanshan and let you give her a lot of money

To give you a green-white coalition. I tell you, the last thing the Kuomintang wants to see is a real green-white coalition because they have nothing to say. I tell you, their first priority is to vote for themselves . The second priority is to vote for Blue and White. The third priority is

What we call voting for Green and Blue. The last one is Green and White because it cannot let the voters blatantly see that I am going bankrupt on the morally bankrupt route of Green and White. You are completely lying and bankrupt. After all, that’s why you voted for You Xikun in the morning

And Huang Shanshan was going to be the deputy dean. That’s it. I think this is the only way to play it thoroughly. Let me add to Xie Longjie’s statement. He said that if the Kuomintang really supported You Xikun in the morning , then the Kuomintang should immediately hold a meeting in the afternoon

To make a resolution. Voting for the vice president who said he would not accept the humiliation means that the so-called vice president cannot be allowed to decide whether Jiang Qichen is right…so I choose myself. If I choose myself now , then you will become the Democratic Progressive Party for both seats.

Is your strategy better than his? Is it because the DPP voted for whoever was elected ? If you do this, it will become a joke , saying that your combination of blue and white far exceeds that of the DPP . In the end, both the chief and deputy officers are the DPP

. That is not a joke. Is it true? So I think the Kuomintang should be more cunning and vote for Huang Shanshan or Huang Guochang. Huang Guochang lets him stay on the political side because the one who wants to get along with the green one most is Huang Shanshan

. Then let her come true, right? What do the committee members think now ? Because the movement of the People’s Party is unclear , but what they said before the election seems to be different from what they said after the election . After the election, they said that

They should focus on ideas and parliamentary reform. Everyone should respond. If they still support it, it doesn’t matter if they don’t respond . Do you think it does matter? Of course it does. Of course it doesn’t matter. If everyone cares so much, where did Ke Wenzhe’s votes come from?

The biggest feature of Ke Wenzhe’s speech is the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month. Don’t you know that Ke Wenzhe’s speech is like the first and fifteenth day of the moon ? He doesn’t care. So a person’s character is the accumulation of victory in a lifetime. Because

I have used this method to cope with the situation. When the time comes, just smile. How could this happen? Then it’s over. We must also understand that in the Legislative Yuan or in the political arena, we are meant to be as cunning as a fox and ferocious as a tiger and leopard.

That’s it. So let me look at this issue from several angles . First, let me talk about Han Guoyu’s passage. I’m sorry that my philosophical level is very high. It depends on you to analyze it. I don’t understand. I don’t understand. I really understand. I don’t understand. I finally found it useful.

I have to rely on your philosophy to analyze it. I don’t understand the second one? It’s a small price. If you want to be the vice-president, I’ll give it to you. If you want to be the head of the ministry,

I’ll give it to you . Because the power of governance is in my hands, I’ll start to catch you if you’re not interested or not. After that, you can rest assured and open your mouth . How can the two lips blow and how can they be changed ? He has many ways

To bring it back to the election of the Speaker now. I think A Liang’s warning just now is correct . The People’s Party should not be stupid enough to show off its votes in the first stage … that’s it. No … It should be in the second stage of the second stage because

There are only two groups of candidates in the second stage , the president and two vice presidents. Both are from the Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party . There is no third person , which means that at this time he has to vote. At this time, how to vote

For their party group can do many things. One is to order us to vote for ourselves and let the two parties decide on their own. This is one method . The other is to say that we order us to vote for which party to make the decision. That is how it is.

The third is not very Is there a better way? What if the results of the party group’s independent party group’s resolution are open to voting? Can you tell me to open the list ? How many people like Han Kuo- yu? How many like the KMT ? How many don’t like

The KMT? There are more or less people who don’t like Han Kuo-yu. Let me borrow it . In the name of open voting, in the name of secret voting, in the end, this has nothing to do with my People’s Party. Will open voting happen ? Why

In the second stage, I will listen to the party’s decision in the first stage. In the second stage , our party group will decide to open the voting unless Ke orders it. Will Ke do it? I don’t know this. I know that Huang Shanshan has shouted “Tuan in, Tuan out”

But I don’t know what the result will be. Those shouts don’t count. Didn’t she shout before and said that the four major reforms of the Democratic Progressive Party didn’t say a word to me , but the Kuomintang didn’t say a word. Say I support and then, after saying that, we…

Do you have any response? It’s faster to go home and brush your teeth. So I’m sorry, what are we guessing here ? We might as well use the character of a fox to look at this with the character of profit. Don’t sing him in a high-pitched tone because all Politicians

Must sing a high profile before doing all the bad things , because if they don’t sing a high profile, they will have no legitimacy. On the one hand, when they sing a high profile, they want to legitimize themselves. On the other hand, they want to destroy other people’s armies.

In the end, they are generals. I agree. So what about now ? Logically speaking, you should respond immediately. What are the fifth and sixth conditions to be discussed? So among these, I only have a simple conclusion. When Wang Shijian made the call, he told us that he is a fox

With strength. What Haw Leopard lacks is the fox. If such a small party wants to survive, I don’t look at it from a moral perspective, I look at it from a fox’s perspective. First, he will definitely not vote for the Democratic Progressive Party in the first round

, because this party will be the first to vote for it. You failed because you lied to us from the beginning . You lied to us from the beginning, right? So you’re probably not stupid enough to be secretive. Let’s talk about the second stage of party group independence . That means self-voting

. Whose vote do you think will be? More answers came out. OK, it sounds like I came to the conclusion that if they said it seriously, we would lose. Is that true? It’s time for philosophical analysis. My eardrums on both sides are about to burst. They are very excited.

They have actually participated. Politics means that I will analyze it a little bit, because what our brother Shengfeng talks about is called Machiavelli in our philosophy. You must be as cunning as a fox and as fierce as a lion. Ke Jianming of the Democratic Progressive Party is indeed

Said by Han Guoyu. The eagle is underneath the fox… The old fox picked up the little eagle and hid it slowly after it fell. This is very obvious why. Just now, the Shengfeng committee member made it very clear , that is, he said a few things. Let me explain a little bit, because

Our member Shengfeng’s Mandarin sounds just need to be translated a little… What he said is that this person named Wang Shijian will give you a small benefit , so you must obey him. What did you just say about the Chairman of the Central Committee ? These people are all idiots

Whose ancestors burned high incense and became legislators. Suddenly they realized something strange. I think generally speaking, I just heard the analysis of two people. I was really, really sad. I remembered that one of them was also in politics. An old veteran named Zhu Gaozheng left a famous saying

: Politics is a high-level deception, a sophisticated deception. Let me tell you, it turns out that our voters have tolerated Ke Wenzhe to such an extent that he can change, he can talk nonsense, he can be hated by others, and he can talk nonsense himself. What he wanted in his heart

And then refused to acknowledge it afterwards was that 200 million US dollars, which he still hasn’t accounted for, right? Everyone remembers it very clearly, but now suddenly he thinks that after spring, Wuhen has nothing, so I want to ask everyone to emphasize that I The reason why I kept laughing

When I heard you lecture today is because I teach philosophy, and I still have some expectations and ideals about politics. You know, we think this is a choice between war and peace. Isn’t that what everyone is talking about? Is this true? Huang Guochang also talked about the corruption of the Democratic Progressive Party

And dragged the director of the museum together to talk about it. Is it right ? Then for us, what Ou Guizhi said is a choice between elegance and vulgarity . I think there is something in it. The person who told the truth is You Xikun,

You Xikun. In the democratic era, there is no need for shame. If there is no need for shame, what you say is all right. You are not as good as him. You Xikun, Su Zhenchang, both talked about etiquette, justice, and integrity. From now on, I don’t want any shame, okay?

Let’s compete without shame, right ? I am definitely not going to die soon, but you are a clear stream and must not sink. I tell you, because this is not sinking. Because I myself come into contact with young people, and now the value of young people themselves is so deranged

That sometimes I really don’t know. I have the heart to say it again because yesterday we were talking about whether or not values ​​are very confused and have a lot to do with our politics. Because these few times I have sat next to Brother Liang,

He has become more and more excited as he talks, and my eardrums are about to burst. You know, because he will think that the People’s Party itself is under Ke Wenzhe. But let me tell you, Brother Liang, you may be disappointed. Why? Because we are a presidential system , not a cabinet system.

If they, legislators, say that Wang Shijian is giving a little benefit, it will be like that. If you make it so clear, they can sell their own personality and their credibility. Since it is said that in a democratic era, you can have no shame, so I think

You Xikun, please don’t pack it up. You can keep it. You can keep it and continue without shame. It’s a better question. Will Xiaocao really pay the bill? I still believe that everyone has their own judgment. However, Wang Shijian’s prediction that Ke Wenzhe is usually wrong is true . He said

That I told you that Ke Wenzhe is a liar .

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@The667251 January 28, 2024 - 3:59 am


@user-km4pd3nm6v January 29, 2024 - 4:15 am

前立委 還不是一樣落選 說的話 聽聽就好
畢竟落選立委不是做的爛 就是大家都懂得 被選民下降是必然

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