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#初来日 #海外の反応 #広島

Feels kinda heavy, you know? Feels kinda heavy. Oh, I recognize that arch over there. It’s weird being tourists checking out a tragedy. Wow, man. How cool. I don’t think we’ve come across a larger Torii than the one here in Miyajima. Look at this. Look at this inside. Hiroshima, Japan Good morning, people.

It’s ten in morning and we’re in a brand new city today. Ori’s dad, Johannes, and his wife, Pao, have come all the way from Colombia to Japan. We’ve been on the move across Japan, and with only a few days left, Ori’s dad is keen to make a stop at Hiroshima.

Ori’s dad is really keen on visiting the Atomic Bomb Dome here in Hiroshima. He’s really into history, always reflecting on how we got to where we are today. Hiroshima. We’re here. Why did you want to come to Hiroshima, Gross? Well,

I want to check out the Atomic Bomb Memorial Park and get to know its history. I wasn’t around during that time, but I’m aware of what went down here. That was the end of the conflict, the close of World War II

When the US dropped the atomic bomb on the 6th of August in 1945. It’s a place worth visiting, and worth delving into its history. What grabs my attention is the fact that it marked the end of the conflict. Right? That’s when the war came to an end.

But for us Colombians, as well as for Palestinians and Israelis, conflicts seem to never end. Colombia has been dealing with conflicts for 60 years, and it feels like it’s never-ending. True. They never end. Here, there was an end, but nowadays conflicts seem never-ending. That grabs my attention.

That building was designed by a Czech Slovak in 1915. This building that survived the bomb is over 100 years old. It’s built with steel and bricks. That’s how the building ended up. Think about how the people were if the building looks like that. Can you picture that?

It’s weird being tourists checking out a tragedy. Yeah. It gets to me. It’s a weight on my mind. Yeah. Knowing what went down here really hits me. You guys knew what went down here, but how does it feel actually being here now? It really hits me.

Several places here in Japan have that effect on me. Knowing what went down here brings this emptiness, takes me back somehow, and just leaves me speechless. Yeah. It really hits me. I don’t want any photos; I just want to be fully present here, in the moment. Yeah.

It’s a strange feeling, looking at this building that managed to survive. The atomic bomb went off 600 meters above this building, and it all just blew apart. This is… Feels kinda heavy, you know? It feels kinda heavy for me, having read about what went down here. Feels kinda heavy, you know?

You can sense the magnitude of what happened here and the consequences it brought to the world. It’s a mix of feelings, and of course, there’s sadness. Yeah. You come to see how far humans can go; they’ve got no limitations.

One thing is to go against someone, but here, the civilians were the most affected. That’s the moment you wonder, where the heck are we heading as humans? What do you guys think about keeping this place preserved and people coming here to learn about what happened? I believe it’s important.

It’s crucial because people need to grasp what happened here, understand the emotions people went through, and see how far humans can push things. People can learn from this. In Colombia, the equivalent would be the museum dedicated to the memory of those who disappeared, were killed, or massacred.

Here, it was one blast, and it wiped out everything in *Hiroshima. In Colombia, it’s been 60 years of death here and there. Groups of 1,000, 200, 400, 600, over the span of 60 years in Colombia. It’s a never-ending conflict. Here, there was an end, reconstruction, and a whole new society emerged.

Colombia is caught in a never-ending cycle of conflicts, with death occurring every week, every day across the entire national territory. What’s worse? – Worse than an atomic bomb. – You start wondering what’s worse. I was born in 1964, and in my 59 years of living, all I’ve heard about are tragedies in Colombia.

So, I really can’t say if the magnitude of this disaster is worse than the ongoing conflict in our dear Colombia. They say the blast, when it exploded here, it generated 4,000 degrees Celcius. 4,000 degrees when the bomb came from above here. So the people that were here, literally, they were burned like that.

They were burned. Wow! Look! Oh, I recognize that arch over there. That’s where every year on August 6th, the G7 group gets together. The big seven industrialized nations meet up there every year, by that arch and torch. They come here to commemorate the disaster. I know this place.

Look! We’ve made it to that place. Wow. All these pictures and monuments can be quite a lot to take in, you know? Unbelievable. This really makes you reflect on what peace truly means. Especially for us navigating a world of conflicts nowadays, it hits differently. Never-ending conflicts.

Ongoing conflicts with no clear resolution or end in sight. There’s no way you can visit Hiroshima without coming to this place. We’re now heading to Miyajima Island. We’re going to take you guys to Miyajima Island. We’re hopping on a ferry, but it’s just a quick 10-minute ride.

You guys will see one of the most beautiful shrines I’ve come across in Japan. It’s very beautiful. A shrine. This way? This way. Underground. Let’s go! Miyajima. Is this new? It’s pretty modern now. Definitely different from the last time I was here. There’s a terminal there. Look. There’s a tramway!

The tramway comes here from the city center. Wow. This has changed a lot. This looks pretty new. Yeah, it does. Look at the tramway there. How cool. You can definitely see money invested here. Oh, look at the Torii over there! Wow, man. How cool. You’re getting ahead of yourself.

Just taking a quick look over there. Just taking a quick look over there. Wow! Spectacular! It’s like a catamaran, but bigger, right? You guys need help? We’re fine. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Here you go. Thank you. Thank you. 2:15 p.m. Visitor. Here we go. We’re going by ferry.

There must be a stamp here. I’m used to the metro where you gotta slide the ticket in and grab it on the other side, but here, it’s just a QR code. How funny. Look at that. Hiroshima is a port city, isn’t it? Yes. Look at those mountains. Oh, we’re going to that Torii.

That’s the Torii. I’ve seen a photo of them. Look at it. How about a swim? I know you enjoy it. Does this ferry take cars as well? Yes, it can fit up to 10 cars. Cars and bikes can get on board. Is the island up ahead Miyajima? Miyajima. Miyajima. How beautiful.

People actually live on that island, huh? Yeah, not many, but there should be some folks living there. Wow. How cool. Hiroshima. Look. When the tide’s low, you can just stand under the torii gate. When it’s super low, but now the tide’s on the rise.

People are still there, but the water level is going to reach the shrine. That’s why the shrine is built on some sort of pillars. Where those people are standing, it’s gonna be underwater soon. Ah, that’ll be all underwater. How cool. Incredible. Incredible. Welcome to Miyajima! Miyajima! Here we are! Spectacular.

This is absolutely stunning! I’m loving it here. Lots of people. Loads of tourists, and it’s just a regular weekday. Imagine what it’s like on the weekend! Hey buddy! Look at him go. We visited six years ago, but there weren’t this many people around back then. There are loads of tourists now. Loads!

Not only foreigners. And many more shops too. That’s right. Don’t eat this. It’s not good for you. The size of this Torii gate is massive! I don’t think we’ve come across a larger Torii than the one here in Miyajima. It’s massive! And we’re about 100 meters away from it.

Just imagine being right next to it. It’s gotta be impressive up close. ¥5 million per day. Just from the ferry operation. This is a money-maker thing, this bay here. ¥5 million a day. With an average of 10,000 people a day, more or less. A rough figure of 10,000 people.

¥5 million a day, man. He’s like the people from Kansai, constantly calculating stuff. Yeah, man. You’ve got to try this. This is a Japanese soda. It’s called “Ramune”. “Ramu?” “Ramune”. “Ramune”. “Ramune”. Why’s the glass shaped like that? No idea. Open it. So you guys can try it.

You can grab it as a handle. No! That’s why the shape of this time. I’m trying to figure out the shape of this. It looks like a baby bottle. You put it like this and then you push it. You gotta give this ball a little push right here.

Alright, and this is a perforator. Push right here in the middle. There. Push the ball. Okay. No. Stronger. No. Kaito’s strong. Go again, Gross. Push it. Cheers. Look at this. Look at this inside. What is this? Cheers. Beer and soda. How is it? Wow. Delicious. It’s sweet. Try it.

Is this a soda from here? It’s a Japanese soda. Cheers. It’s good. It’s good. This is the final video with Gross and Pao since they’re taking off this week. We’ve had a great time, and we hope you enjoyed this trip with us. Would you want to revisit Japan sometime? Absolutely.

– I want to come back. – Spectacular country. Beautiful country. We’ll be here waiting for you guys. I’d love to return; it was such a unique experience. We’re speechless. We’ll be here waiting for you guys. This wasn’t supposed to be sad. We’ll miss you guys. I can’t hold the tears back.

We’re going to miss you all. Until next time. We’ll keep hitting the road with our bikes, and we’ll be here, ready for you guys. We’ll be following along on your channel. We’ll stay connected. God bless you guys. Well guys, as usual, if you liked this video, give it a big thumbs up

And also subscribe down below to our channel. See you for more adventures. See you. Bye. Bye. Let’s not get too ahead of things. No, no, no.

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ソーダの飲み方として、ビー玉をビンの穴(半円)のところに座らせてから飲むと飲みやすいですよ〜! 私も去年の夏祭りにはじめて知りましたけど^^;

@spark_6710 January 23, 2024 - 12:27 am

I understand what your dad meant …& sympathize with his feelings of his country's long never ending conflicts & so many souls have been perished for it .But,there are significant differences between those two ,indeed, nobody should ever use nuclear bombs !!! Period !! There's no excuse or righteousness about using nuclear bombs !! After that everyone in the world became to afraid of U.S.& U.S.has become the most powerful country both economically/ militarily even Russia got worried & U.S.became the police of the world !! There's no coincidence for this fact !! They dropped multiple nuclear bombs so that the rest of the world would had known who was the most powerful one !! お父様の言ってられることには、とても同情します、ですが、絶対原爆をおとしてはならないのです !!原爆を正当化させたり、美化すること、肯定化させてはいけないのです !!あの直後アメリカは世界一のパワーを手に入れました❗偶然では有りません。💔💜🥁🐉🎤🎶💞

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鎌倉も気に入ってもらえそう!建物に覆われていない大仏を前にした時のリアクション見てみたい! 鶴岡八幡宮とか、鎌倉駅から鶴岡八幡宮までの小町通りとかも風情があってとてもいいです◎

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同じ民族で殺しあうって・・・きっとどの派閥もコロンビアを良くしたい気持ちがあるはずなのに。。。( ノД`)シクシク…
コロンビアの方達の豊かな感情表現や 家族への愛情表現とっても素敵ですね💛💛💛💛

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