Home » Announcers » 女子アナ » 【第22話】ヒマラヤで日本からの電話、そしてまさかの展開に突入 編

【第22話】ヒマラヤで日本からの電話、そしてまさかの展開に突入 編





【IAT】岩手朝日テレビ 毎週火曜深夜0:50〜
【YTS】山形テレビ 毎週日曜午前11:00〜
【KFB】福島放送 毎週土曜午前11:00〜
【UX】新潟テレビ21 毎週日曜午前11:00〜
【abn】長野朝日放送 毎週日曜よる11:55〜
【SATV】静岡朝日テレビ 毎週金曜深夜1:30〜
【NBN】名古屋テレビ 毎週日曜曜午前11:00〜
【KSB】瀬戸内海放送 毎週日曜曜午前11:00〜
【eat】愛媛朝日テレビ 毎週日曜午前11:00〜
【KBC】九州朝日放送 毎週日曜深夜0:55〜
【NCC】長崎文化放送 毎週日曜午後3:50〜
【KAB】熊本朝日放送 毎週日曜午前11:00〜
【OAB】大分朝日放送 毎週木曜深夜0:45〜
【KKB】鹿児島放送 毎週日曜よる11:55〜
【QAB】琉球朝日放送 毎週土曜午前10:40〜






The Great Adventures of Eggplant-D In this show, TV Asahi employee Takahide Tomoyori, a.k.a Eggplant-D, travels to remote areas in the world that most Japanese people have never been to, at the risk of his own life

To report on things like the culture, and how the people there live, from the perspective of a director. This is a legit travel documentary program! This time, he goes to meet the ethereal Himalaya Tribe, who reside in Dolpo, located in the interior of Nepal.

Volume 22 “The crew get a call from Japan! + An unexpected turn of events” At this village located deep inside the Himalayas, the kids are friendly! Tashi-delek (Hello) Tashi-delek (Hello) Tashi-delek (Hello) Tashi-delek (Hello) Ohh Tashi-delek (Hello) Ohh Tashi-delek tele!!! That woman is dancing with the local staff! Is that a local dance?

Come dance with me! You too! Dance with me! The people here are always smiling and full of energy. The village is always full of smiles. This is a dance we do at the Rosal Festival! Good bye! Namaste (Hello) Tashi-delek (Hello) Oh, those are kids. Namaste (Hello) Tashi-delek (Hello) He’s slapping his knee.

Tashi-delek (Hello) He’s cute. Namaste (Hello) So you greet each like this, huh? I didn’t make this up, everyone does this. A watchdog. The horses here can get attacked by wolves, so the people here have a watchdog! Its’ name is “Gyalko” Its’ name is Gyalko? Gyalko! It’s so big! Yes, it’s so big!

Tibetan Mastiffs are a large dog native to the Tibetan plateau. They’re very loyal to their owner, and are courageous against enemies. Genghis Khan once headed west with 30 thousand Tibetan Mastiffs, and it’s said he won many battles! From around 2010, they started becoming super popular amongst the wealthy class in China.

Back then, one cost 200 million yen (About $ 1,537,343) and they were called the most expensive dog in the world. However, these days their prices have taken a sharp fall, and there have even been cases where they were resold as meat. Tashi-delek (Hello) She’s wearing nice clothes. It looks like Japanese Kimono.

Looks great. Kipodo (Beautiful) Yapodo (Good) Do you like it? Kipodo (It’s beautiful) Everyone plays like that. True. Every tribe. Oh I know him! Namaste (Hello) Namaste (Hello) Tashi-delek (Hello) I saw him yesterday. He’s playing by himself. He must live here. Oh, are you his Mom? No I’m not.

He’s my brother’s son. Oh he’s your brother’s son!? How old are you? Me? I’m 19 years old. She kind of looks like Tomochika (Japanese comedian) You’re already working, huh? At what age do people in this village usually get married? For women, maybe 24. What about men? Around 18. 18, huh?

So the age is lower for men. Here, the crew stop by a “Dzong,” a fortress which used to be a lookout for enemies who came from Tibet. Whoa It’s so broken There’s nothing left. It has collapsed and there’s nothing left. There’s nothing.

Are Dzongs (fortresses) rare? Yes they are. Are they rare in Nepal? Yes. I heard you can still find them in Bhutan. You’d usually break them down. True. I assume the villagers just left this as it is.

In Japan, these would be demolished. They’re not demolished in Nepal. Although there’s no wars here. It wouldn’t be surprising if this building were a cultural heritage. However, it’s normal to see them in this village. This is a building where soldiers stayed, apparently. You can’t even go inside now. The door is nailed shut.

That person’s carrying so many blankets! Namaste (Hello) Hello Tashi-delek (Hello) That looks heavy. It’s not heavy. It’s not? Need help? No, it’s okay. This is light. Impressive! I’m so sorry, thank you. Thank you so much. Where should I put this? I’m placing this over that roof. Ooh…need help with that too?

Thank you. That would help. OK OK After helping the woman, Eggplant-D returns from the center of the village, where Norbu’s house is, to the crew’s home base. What’s your name? Karma Nanbya. How are you? I am fine. Thank you Thank you Now I’m sure that

The closer you get to our camping site, the dirtier the kids are. Like, their clothes and their face. These are the people who continue to live in Tingyu, the last unexplored region of Asia. Mr. Otani has continued to support this unexplored region for 24 years. We ask him about this in detail.

I began supporting this village after we filmed here for “News Station” (Japanese news program) We didn’t even get any groundbreaking footage then, just footage of people’s’ everyday lives, and their culture, but for some reason this place left a big impression on me. I wanted the people here to stay here, and not leave.

I wanted to support them, so, together with the “News Station” crew such as the cameramen, and the assistants, I launched an organization. We made something called “The Dolpo Fund” With the camera crew? It was a small act of kindness. And we don’t try to be too pushy.

In order to educate the kids, the Nepalese Government built a school here. But all the teachers ended up fleeing the school. And since then there haven’t been opportunities for the kids to learn. At the time people couldn’t speak Nepalese. Really? There were no teachers.

So they only spoke in the Dolpo language …which was the native language? Nobody even tried to negotiate with the government. We started this fund in order to train kids so that one day, they could become a leader in this village.

This is like the same as me continuing to support Naun. (Little boy Eggplant met in the Amazon) I don’t think I could handle that, mentally. Well, this is just something that ended up happening. I didn’t even expect to keep coming here …for 24 years.

So it just kind up kept going. Yes. Here, the crew decide to call TV Asahi on a special satellite phone, to give them an update on their journey. Little did they know, things would take a huge turn from here! Hello?

Our “island survival battle” TV special will air on… Yes? December 31st, and it’ll be 6.5 hours long. We tend to forget, but Eggplant-D is an employee at TV Asahi. Yoiko (Japanese comedy duo) has already agreed to be in it.

And we’re trying to get Saori Yoshida (ex wrestler) a.k.a “the strongest woman in the world” Sure. And we’re gonna have Yoiko and Ms. Yoshida face off in an island survival batte. But if we can’t book Miss Yoshida, we’d want you to battle Yoiko instead.

So if you can’t book Saori Yoshida then you want me on this show? Yes. Well, I’m in the Himalayas right now. Yeah I know. You still in the mountains? DUH I am! I traveled for 14 days and I’m deep inside the mountains. It’s negative 10 degrees right now!

Then can you just climb down …and return to Tokyo for us? Um, I crossed 4 mountains that were about 5000 meters high to get here. What do you mean “can you just climb down?” I’m in a super high place right now. Director Maekawa almost died with his nose running

…and tears in his eyes. I’m not even kidding when I say his heart almost stopped moving. Are you serious? I’m dead serious. Was he okay? No he was not. His life was in danger. Breathe in, breathe in! I think we hurried too much. Inhale, inhale. He was hyperventilating. It was so bad that

I’m not sure we can even broadcast this footage. 2 Sherpa people, who were there with us, said they thought he would die. Yes but… we still need you if we can’t book Saori Yoshida, so in that case,

Can you return to Japan right away? Okay.. and in the fastest way possible? Hehe… Fastest way possible? It’ll take at least 14 days. And did we mention the guy who nearly died?

Director Kubota, on the other hand, was faking his illness. But what if you guys can book Miss Yoshida? If she agrees to do your show, I can stay in the Himalayas, right? If we can get her on the show, we’ll shorten your parts

And it’ll be a 3-way battle. So I gotta do this either way!? It seems like I have no choice. Let’s climb down. Right, Mr. Maekawa? Yes. We’ll get going the day after tomorrow. Hurry though. We can’t get going tomorrow.

Tomorrow’s impossible so we’ll climb down the day after that. And one more thing. Yes? Last year, Yoiko lost to you in the “island survival battle” so this year, they want their revenge, and they’re ready to crush you.

Okay that’s fair, my response to that is: Yeah? I’m already doing some high-altitude training at 5000 meters above sea level. Hahahaha Hehe I will…. Got it, amazing.

…be tough this year. Sure. Mr. Maekawa, who almost died ..agrees with me. Anyways, come straight to the island please. All right, straight to the island it is. We’ll go straight to the island. Thanks. Let’s do it. Let’s climb down the Himalayas.

Let’s show ’em what happens …when you descend the Himalayas, then ..go straight to the sea and dive in. We’ll show you, viewers. Ready for this? Yoiko (comedy duo) VS Saori Yoshida (the strongest woman in the world) VS Eggplant-D. Even if I’m not in this show for long,

And I don’t stand out that much, I am ready for it. Now that it’s been decided that Eggplant-D will be in this island survival TV show he must start climbing down the Himalayas in 2 days. Meanwhile, the kitchen staff, who have no idea, start preparing dinner as usual.

What will the mountain chef make today? He takes fresh yak meat, from the yak which was just dissected yesterday, and boils it lightly. To this he adds garlic, ginger, pepper, Garam masala(mixed spices), an egg, soy sauce, and olive oil. He mixes this well. This is deep-fried and…

The first dish is spiced yak steak! Chef cooks the yak tongue too. Yak tongue has a bit of a smell, so after it’s lightly boiled, it is sauteed with butter, salt, and pepper. How is this journey for you? It’s fun! Ahahahaha It was really hard getting to this village though.

The cooking is far from over. Onions are sauteed with garlic and ginger, and after adding yak and carrots, this is flavored with Garam masala (mixed spice), curry powder, and salt! Water is added and this is stewed well. Dish #3 is a standard dish – yak curry!

Dish #4 is xiāpiàn, or Chinese fried rice crackers. Rolled sushi is on the menu tonight too, as well as cole slaw and mushroom soup! That’s a total of 7 dishes. We dig in while remembering to be grateful for everything. Here, Eggplant-D delivers the big news to Mr. Otani.

Mr. Otani, guess what? I just talked to a younger employee at TV Asahi He’s in Tokyo? Yes. I’m going to be in an island survival show which will be

…broadcast on the last day of the year. Congratulations! Thank you! It was a senior employee’s.. ..idea to get me on the show. That’s great! So now that I have to make a short appearance on this show,

I’m descending the Himalayas!! Okay… I’m winning this battle! All right, good luck. In a way I’m already doing some high-altitude training. So I’m gonna return to Japan and head directly to the island.

I’m winning this battle no matter what. Don’t you think I’d be a tough opponent? Absolutely. You’d be good in both high and low places. Wait…Mr. Otani your grip is too tight! I thought you’d break my hand just now! Yeah I could hear your bones twisting.

So please eat this yak meat, and use it as fuel for your journey ahead. I’m climbing down the day after tomorrow. Wow It’s sushi! Today’s dinner is so extravagant! This is yak tongue. Eggplant-D tries the yak tongue sauteed with butter. Mmm It’s good. Really? Is it hard?

It’s chewy, and it’s really good. This is yak tongue sauteed with butter, and yak curry. The tongue is tasty, it’s just like beef tongue. And it doesn’t smell at all. So this is what yak tongue tastes like, huh? This is so good, that for a second, I forgot about the cold.

The tongue is delicious. It’s good?  very good This is yak steak, right? The steak is good too. Yum. After trying some yak curry… Let me try the sushi. A big one. Wow this is good. At an altitude of 4150 meters, Eggplant-D enjoys the mountain chef’s cooking.

He eats while listening to fellow staffs’ stories and gives subtle eye contact to the kitchen staff ..so that he can get seconds. Would you like more soup and rice? Can I have more? Sure This is good. This steak is good. He successfully gets seconds, and…

So is this “island survival battle” TV show pre-recorded? Some of it will be live. We’ll be setting off fireworks live. Are you bringing a pyrotechnician (fireworks professional) to the island? Yes, a woman 2 years older than me. She’s the 15th generation of Kagiya (fireworks company) and I once got the opportunity

To film her and the other 15th generation workers, as they put a fireworks show on at an island. How was that? It was really cool. When I consulted her about lighting she said “We don’t need lighting. Cos we’ll be working from noon” And they really started working from noon.

Did you see that fireworks show, Mr. Henmi? Could you watch it? I couldn’t really watch it because I was filming the TV personalities. I remember Anna Tsuchiya(model / singer / actress) telling Cameraman Henmi, “Why are you filming me? Why aren’t you watching the fireworks show!?”

This is Anna’s reaction after watching the world’s first island fireworks show. I cried so much. Film the sky, damn it! I felt like I wasn’t on Earth just now. Why were you filming us? Why weren’t you watching the fireworks? You were filming us instead. Are you dumb? This is the…

First time I thought “I’m glad this is my job.” I’m serious. I’ve seen beautiful buildings and such but this is the first time something has evoked so much emotion in me. We gotta do our best to live as long as we can. A lot of things happen in life. People are born

…and people die. And through it all we have to be grateful, and we have to feel. I’m such a crybaby. I can’t stop crying. The fireworks show at the island made Miss Tsuchiya very emotional. Look at how I’m lying down though. On this day Eggplant-D eats 3 plates worth of food.

And upon finding out that he is leaving soon, the chefs have cooked up a surprise. Happy Dolpa Trek They wrote this with jam. Wow Thank you Tashi-delek (Congratulations) This is beautiful. Is this chocolate? It’s a chocolate cake. It smells like chocolate mint. He even receives a gift. They washed this for you!

It’s a yak’s tail! What should I do with this? Please bring this home to Japan. So I keep this in my home as decoration? I see some meat on it though Thank you. At Sherpa weddings, we go like this! very important in wedding

This is called the yak dance. in Japan white yak tail play to kabuki So the wigs in Kabuki are made from yak fur? Yes they are! They’re made from the fur of big yaks! It seems the kids were drawn to the smell.

These kids are eyeing the cake hard. Cakes are a very rare food for the kids. At an altitude of 4150 meters, the chefs made this cake with love, when they only had limited ingredients. It’s good. What is this soft stuff, is it butter? I think they made like a butter cream

Using goat milk or something. This was delicious. Thank you. You guys moved me with this cake! Thank you everyone! The Japanese staff enjoy the cake with the local staff and the kids from the village. “Resham Filili ♪” (Nepalese folk song) This crew has endured the treacharous path together.

This journey is almost at an end, however, the same crew will be returning to report here in the Wintertime, when the atmosphere is even more harsh. This is the first time ever that anyone is doing this. What are the celestial Himalaya peoples’ lives like in the Severe Winter?

This adventure is far from over! Stay tuned, because Eggplant-D does a whole lot on this channel! Please subscribe if you haven’t already!

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