Home » Announcers » 女子アナ » シーバスタッグバトルin九頭竜【 高橋優介 小原暁彦 内田 聖 山田大輔 】

シーバスタッグバトルin九頭竜【 高橋優介 小原暁彦 内田 聖 山田大輔 】


BlueBlueガチンコシーバスバトル企画「TAG BATTLE」。
今回の舞台は11月下旬の福井県 九頭竜川。

千葉県出身の高橋優介と福井県在住の山田大輔、そしてお馴染み鹿児島代表 小原暁彦に、今回初参加の愛知県在住の内田 聖を加えた4人が戦う今回の企画。


■出演アングラー SNSリンク

《 高橋優介 》
▶ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4h6AUMQB4TzD5MQ6vcrDTA
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▶ ANGLARS https://anglers.page.link/?link=https://anglers.jp/users/666615&apn=tokyo.anglers.app&ibi=com.jpn.fixa.ANGLERS&isi=581133214

《 山田大輔 》
▶ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/daisuke_yamada_/
▶ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008107083422

《 内田 聖 》
▶ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sei.uchida/
▶ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sei.uchida
▶ X https://twitter.com/sei_uchida_fish

《 小原暁彦 》
▶ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxwJ1YN-VVbwqMMy1W6Ay_A
▶ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/akihiko_kobara/?hl=ja
▶ X https://twitter.com/kobara55555
▶ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/akihiko.kobara

■ Blooowin!140s 「リップチューン」関連記事

▶ [ fimoBLOG ] Blooowin!140Sのリップチューン(シャローチューン)について/BlueBlue公式
▶ [ fimoBLOG ] Blooowin!のリップ削りシャローチューンについて/泉 龍吾

BlueBlueルアーのお買い求めはお近くの小売店様 又は、ブルーブルーオンラインショップまで!!

#BlueBlue #タッグバトル #高橋優介 #山田大輔 #小原暁彦 #内田聖

Hello. I’m YUSUKE TAKAHASHI. I am a tester in Kagoshima Prefecture. My name is AKIHIKO KOBARA, also known as KOBACCHI. Hello. I am UCHIDA and live in Aichi Prefecture. Hello. My name is YAMADA DAISUKE and I live in Fukui Prefecture. I hope you enjoy today’s game. let’s do our best.

They’ll already know where we are. where are we? This is KUZURYUGAWA, a first-class river in Fukui Prefecture. thank you. We will have a battle in Fukui Prefecture. I came to Fukui prefecture for the first time. UCHIDA, is this your first time here? I’m really looking forward to it. Please enjoy and despair.

Do I despair? We will be holding a tack battle, which is familiar to BlueBlue. For those seeing this for the first time, I’ll explain the rules. We will be divided into groups of two. Sea bass includes Japanese sea bass and BLACKFIN SEABASS. In the game, points are converted and added for each size.

The team with the most points at the end wins. This battle has some interesting rules. We made a group Line. Once we have decided where each team will fish, we must notify everyone. We have to contact everyone in that Line group. We can see where the other team is fishing.

When we catch a fish, we have to report the catch to everyone. Please report it on the group Line. We can see where the other person is fishing. Additionally, we can also see how many fish the opposing team has caught. There are penalties if you forget to report.

This is a point table for each size of fish. This is a detailed rule. We will be divided into teams that will decide our fate. As usual, we will be divided into A and B teams. I think you guys are always on the same team.

We decide this by lottery, so it’s not fake. Look, there’s nothing written on the back of this. I shuffle these around hard. do you do it hard? Please don’t look here. I see something shining. I shuffle these. I choose this one in the end. Don’t watch this. did it.

I don’t know about this result either. let’s go. Please choose this one based on your intuition. I used paper that is not transparent. I chose the card above. they failed. Let’s try again. Let’s do it again. we had the same card. I think they should be on the same team.

Let’s prohibit everyone from pulling at the same time. You can all pull at the same time, but please follow the rules. Do not choose the same cards. Please choose a different card. After choosing, hide it face down. Let’s announce the team. Countdown. 3, 2, 1. They are from Kagoshima Prefecture.

We finally became a different team. we became enemies. When you guys were on the team together, you guys were undefeated. True, but this time one of us will lose. They will know disappointment. I have hope. Let’s enjoy the game. UCHIDA, please express your enthusiasm. yes.

We can fish for 3 days while shooting this video. I’m looking forward to it. I’m looking forward to being able to fish for a long time. I enjoy this. Next is KOBACCHI.

I’m from Kagoshima Prefecture and I’m happy to be able to come to this river that is a dream come true for anglers. I am looking forward to this as I have come from far away. I’ve come far. I want to enjoy this. This is my home river, so I know the land well.

Everyone came to Fukui Prefecture from far away. In this battle, we will compete throughout Fukui Prefecture. Please enjoy Fukui Prefecture and make good memories. let’s do our best. I make good memories here. let’s do our best. let’s have fun. Maybe it will rain. Let’s fish while being careful about safety.

Now it’s time for the game. The race begins in Fukui Prefecture. YUSUKE TAKAHASHI. SEI UCHIDA. AKIHIKO KOBARA. DAISUKE YAMADA. The competition has begun. I think it looks like the other team is going to start now. I wonder where they will go. they have a lot of good information. The opposing team has YAMADA.

TAKAHASHI has nationwide fishing knowledge in Japan. they will have an advantage. Two weeks ago, TAKAHASHI was filming fishing at KUZURYUGAWA with FISHING VISION. They have been to various places. They will search for fishing spots taking into consideration the conditions they have experienced. First, let’s select a fishing spot.

I met a local this morning. It rained like this a few days ago. The water level briefly rose, but then went down. Apparently it was the same situation as during a drought. I think this place, with its depth, is good. A stream of water gathers in this place.

This place is curved so I think the water may be deep. There should be a stream of water hitting the opposite shore. The water on the near side is shallow, so wading will be possible. Let’s go there first. I think this downstream area is the best place to fish.

The water level may change above this point. However, I think the fish there will be small. First of all, let’s get a feel for the fishing here. Then let us move places. This place is a famous fishing spot. Let’s go to this place. let’s go. let’s do our best. We are Team Chiba.

We are from the same hometown. I never thought that I would be on the same team as YUSUKE. Even in the last Chiba edition, we were on different teams. I’ve only been here once. It’s no different from us. That’s not true. This rain may have some effect on us. The temperature suddenly dropped.

The spawning season for sweetfish is already at its end. That’s right. We may be able to make it in time. KUZURYUGAWA is a clear stream. If possible, we would like to see SEIRYU ​​sea bass. It will rain a lot. We would like to try catching SEIRYU ​​sea bass. Maybe it’s tomorrow.

The temperature may be high the day after tomorrow. Whether you can take on the challenge or not depends on the amount of rainfall. However, I would like to try it at least once. The place we checked was in a state of drought. There was no water there. It must have rained a lot.

All we can do is wait for that timing. Today, let’s fish in the middle or lower reaches of the river. We don’t have much time. Let us do some steady fishing. Let’s put pressure on the opposing team. We want to put pressure on them. Please tell us your enthusiasm for this race.

Let’s talk about my enthusiasm. All my competitions so far have been with the same team as TAKAHASHI. However, this time, I was separated from him and the team. As a result, I started looking forward to racing even more. I was told, “The reason you won is probably because of TAKAHASHI YUSUKE.”

Viewers made such comments to me. Something like that happened. I had earned points in past races. However, TAKAHASHI’s performance was probably more impressive to the viewers. Even if TAKAHASHI and I are on different teams, I won’t lose, and I want to prove that. you don’t have to worry about it.

He probably won the battle because of KOBACCHI. UCHIDA, you are participating in this competition for the first time, right? how is it? TAKAHASHI spoke to me earlier. And he said to me, “UCHIDA seems to be dreaming now, doesn’t it?” I thought so. I want to finish this race while still dreaming.

To be honest, there are some concerns. I usually don’t have much time to fish. I was like, “Can I fish for this long?” During the 3 days we will only be fishing. I was like, “What will happen if I fish that long?” I want to have fun.

At the same time, I want to leave behind some fishing results. I think I’ll talk about this later, but fishing here is very difficult. I have been fishing at KUZURYUGAWA for one year. However, I still don’t know how to capture the fish here. That’s difficult, isn’t it? That place is not normal.

I was surprised because the nature of that place is different. No skills will work in that place. That’s what scares me. Even small fish are fine, so we should adapt and fish accordingly. We probably won’t catch any fish the way we fish in Chiba Prefecture.

If we do that, we won’t catch any fish. Those who have experience fishing in various places will have an advantage. YUSUKE, you have also experienced fishing in various places. However, KOBACCHI may be stronger in this battle. This will be a good match. Another concern is the rain and wind.

It will be cold at night. I believe that maintaining concentration is the difference between winning and losing. Let us win by a landslide. Let’s beat them 20-0. The third day we were like, “We don’t fish.” Let us guide them. Let us guide them.

We have to approach the game with that kind of spirit. Because we are a team of experienced people. Let’s do our best to achieve our goal: “Guide the other team.” They may guide us. I don’t like that. Is this your first time fishing here? I came here last year.

I have only fished here for one day. Before going to Ishikawa Prefecture, I went to CENTRAIR Airport in Nagoya. Did you catch any fish here? I caught a fish. I caught a fish in the Sunrise. did you use Gaboz? I was using lures from other companies. I see.

There are rocks and the current is faster. That’s right. There is a small piece of land in the middle of the river. We will be able to fish on both banks. There should be some highly active fish around here. We will fish here first.

There are also places downstream where the water flow narrows. I plan to go there later. I saw the shadow of a fish. I also saw something. I don’t know what it is. They must be very energetic. Let’s look forward to them. You’ve been using big lures from the beginning.

There was a fixed lure that I used in the video of BlueBlue’s race. Everyone thinks I’m going to use that lure. People always tell me that I use it. My fishing pattern is not just one. Today, you are not on the same team as TAKAHASHI.

We want to show everyone a different KOBACCHI than usual. As always, I will use Gaboz’s 150 first. But he cannot change his routine. You use the same Gaboz as usual. First, let’s check from the surface. This is the first location. Let’s go here. We entered a small space.

I feel like I can catch fish here. We don’t do dynamic fishing all of a sudden. This fishing is like a warm-up exercise. For now, we will fish here. I don’t know which lure to use, so I use Aizer. I’m thinking about how this rain will affect the competition.

I don’t know if this rain will have a good effect. Or it might rain so much that we won’t be able to catch any fish. I hope this rain falls in moderation. I received a Line notification. This is probably a signal to start fishing. It seems that TAKAHASHI’s team has also started fishing.

They appear to be fishing downstream near the lock. There was a fish. There are a lot of fish. There’s a big fish. That’s clearly not sea bass. I think that’s an insensitive fish. we start fishing. I contacted them on Line. thank you. I forgot about it. This is my starting lure.

This is Narage 50. I use Jolti Mini. Why do you introduce it normally? I thought the right thing to do was not to do that. Let’s do some finesse fishing. For now, let’s take a look at the fish’s reaction. let’s start. let’s do our best.

You’re likely to catch a fish on your first cast. I don’t usually Reel this slowly on my home river. Is it better to Reel slowly for sweetfish that are moving down the river? Early in the season, it’s okay for the lure to move around a lot.

The more anglers there are, the more wary the fish become. It is best not to move the lure in areas where there are dying sweetfish. There is a tendency like this. This is both difficult and easy. This is difficult. It’s like this. Will the fish eat this?

Yes, the lure just needs to look alive for a split second. I also used this technique in the Oita edition video. I think it’s best to do this in flowing water. If it goes in the opposite direction of the current, it will look more alive.

It would be better if the water was more cloudy. There are limits. Is this normal water flow? This is the normal flow. Something jumped. What is that? That’s amazing. That’s not sea bass. The fish are jumping. Is that salmon? There is a possibility. My right knee is getting cold. seriously? Really?

Is this just my imagination and the water being cold? I might have water in my pants. The zipper on this suit may have been slightly open. Suits with zippers in the front are convenient, but things like this happen. A small weight bounced in the shallow water. Did it bounce?

There might be something over there. I use something smaller than this. I saw it too. Something is there. They may someday eat bait fish. They are flying. That’s a lot. A small fish was jumping around there. I change to a smaller lure than Aizer. I use Blooowin 110S. This won’t sink much.

I cast this and then I pull it up. Then, let this lure swim along the current of the water. I attract fish like that. I don’t know the nature of the fish that live in KUZURYUGAWA. I search for good fishing courses in a variety of ways.

The other team seems to be fishing upstream. I think they are targeting difficult fish. Fishing here is all about timing. However, since this is the Sea of ​​Japan side, the tide level does not change.

There is always a flow of water, so it seems like you can always catch fish, but you don’t catch much. However, if you time it right, you can catch a lot of fish. We have to keep casting here, and for those of us who come from different places, this feels like training.

Not much time has passed since it started raining. The water probably hasn’t risen in this area yet. We might be able to catch some fish in this spot later. Let’s go see another place once and later we’ll come back. I got it. Let’s go further downstream.

In areas where the water is shallow, it may be a good idea to fish after dark. That place is the fishing spot where we expect the most results. There are people over there. I think we can count on this place. This is a famous fishing spot so we can expect that.

How many years has it been since I went fishing with you? Has it been since Chiba? When we were in Chiba, we didn’t go to the same place. That’s right. We were in the same place, but far apart. it was. We don’t fish side by side.

Was it when we tested the lure prototype? That might have been the last time. Maybe when we did BOTTOM DRIFT together. Probably then. At that time I was 25 years old. That must have been when Ninjari’s SS was released. That’s right. Were you 25 years old? I was 24 or 25 years old.

Maybe I was 24 years old. I was around 31 or 32 years old. I was 24 years old. He lied about his age, but TAKAHASHI didn’t notice. That was six years ago. I never thought we would be able to fish together in Fukui Prefecture.

I didn’t think we could be on the same team in a race. I didn’t think we’d be on the same team. I thought I couldn’t be on the same team as you. I am glad. This is unfamiliar territory for me as well. That’s right. KOBACCHI, you don’t speak Kagoshima dialect, right?

You are missing the Kagoshima dialect. I speak very carefully. Recently, I have been talking more and more with people from outside the prefecture. That’s probably because I’m being careful when I speak. Today, please speak Kagoshima dialect. I can understand everything. really? Now, let’s talk in Kagoshima dialect. That’s good.

I will speak in Kagoshima dialect today. Let’s start fishing. Let’s catch some fish. This is a good cast. Why did you nod? Let us move places. Let’s change places. we move. I don’t expect to catch fish easily. The water system is wide here.

It may be a good strategy to move away from areas where you can’t catch fish and go to other areas. That may be so. Let’s RUN & GUN. We can’t catch fish from the beginning. This is not easy. I wish the fish would jump. I want to see that.

That will change the atmosphere. I have the lure swimming at the top of the depth range. I can keep trying this. it is cold today. It’s probably due to the rain. The first place is warm-up. Next, let’s go to the river mouth. Find out which fish live in areas affected by seawater.

The water temperature will be stable there. Let’s fish there. let’s do our best. He may be a local fisherman. I want to observe him. I want to see how he fishes. Today is Sunday, but there are not many people. That may be so. Maybe it’s the off-season now.

The locals said, “The season is over.” That may be true. The spawning season for sweetfish may have already ended. We came to the second fishing spot. This is our secret place. I can’t tell anyone about this place. I can’t tell anyone about this place. let’s go. I’m cold. The water is cold.

Will they stay in the same place forever? They might be. Maybe they got some good information from someone? Something like this: “It’s better to stick to the same place all the time and fish.” It’s like torture. This is our second fishing spot. let’s do our best. I use Jolti Mini 8g.

I use Narage’s 65. I think it’s better not to do that. There are no obstacles on the water surface at this location. Let us check various locations. they are moving from place to place. I received a message from them that they had started fishing. They went to the river mouth.

They seem to have moved to the river mouth. I have information about this place. Apparently there are large sea bass that feed on barracuda and Japanese horse mackerel. However, it does not always mean that you will catch a fish. Fishing will be tough in either location.

Due to tournaments and other events, the route for water to flow has disappeared. They may have decided that the fish were wary because of that. That’s why they probably went to a wider area. That may be so. They must be waiting for fish. A storm has come. This is not good weather.

If the water surface is calm, we may be able to catch fish on the surface. However, the wind is a little noisy. I can’t move my hands anymore. Did your umbrella break? Has it broken? The umbrella broke due to the gust of wind. Is that a broken umbrella?

It’s unclear if he’s okay, but the camera has a rain cover. I change lures. This is Blooowin’s 165F. I move the Rod sharply and loudly. The water is cloudy. It’s almost Sunset. I hope the fish find this. I also change lures. This is Shalldus 35. KOBACCHI found something. Hey, UCHIDA. This is sweetfish.

Please show it to me. This is smaller than I imagined. This is small. It was my first time to see ayu before spawning. How big is this? This is about the same size as Blooowin and Aizer. This one was so weak that I was able to grab it with my hands.

The wind is very strong. The wind is blocked here where we are, but it seems to be windy over there. The lure will fly away with the wind. YAMADA, if you participate in the race, the weather will be bad. This is my second time today. The probability is 2/2. Is this my fault?

I’m bright like a sunny day. Last time, the wind was blowing 15 meters. At that time, I thought it was the end of the world. There have only been two battles in the past where the weather was bad. At times like these, YAMADA, you are always involved. I’m a cheerful, sunny man.

I use this. This is Snecon’s 130S. I use Blooowin to target deep water. This is Blooowin’s 110S. Sea bass should live here. They may also be moving. There is a standard way to catch ayu during the spawning season. That is how to throw the lure up cross.

It may be best to stick to this method. But I don’t know. I want to put pressure on TAKAHASHI. I think so too. I want to catch fish quickly. I can’t move my hands anymore. This is Jorti Mini 88. I change lures.

Because the wind is blowing in the opposite direction, the tide level does not go down. Is the tide level going down? But that doesn’t matter. I will try using Blooowin’s 140S. The tide may be going out.

Believing the tide is going out, I try to put the lure in the layer where the fish are. The lure does not swim at all. I wish there was a little more water flow. Maybe it’s being pushed by the wind. The fish were biting. It took the bait.

It might be a little small. But let’s catch it. Which way should I go? This one is over 30cm long. This fish is small, but I caught it. I caught one fish. you are wonderful. I was able to prove that there are sea bass here.

I would be happy if this was more than 50 cm. This one is 40 centimeters long. This may be over 40 cm long. This is 42 cm. We may be able to catch a lot of fish from now on. Did you receive a Line notification? It’s a notification.

Let’s take a look at it. They just moved places. Looks like they caught a fish. They caught the fish first. YAMADA caught a fish. They are holding the fish close to the camera. Therefore, the size of the fish is unknown. I’m so frustrated. They took the lead. YAMADA looks very happy.

He looks very happy. thank you. This is a valuable sea bass that lives in KUZURYUGAWA. Will I be able to catch a lot of fish from now on? Please grow up and come back here again. thank you. I thought I was at a disadvantage. But I’m shocked.

Isn’t it necessary to report what you used? We don’t need that report. Which lure do you think he used? I regret letting them get ahead of me. This damage is huge. But this is still early days. It was an open area, so they must have been able to catch migrating fish.

Let’s move downstream. Let’s go down 10 to 20 meters downstream. Let us change course. I’m glad I was able to see the fish. we felt relieved. I was able to stay motivated. That’s important. Furthermore, the wind stopped. This might be a good chance. However, what came to them was rain.

This is a heavy rain. This is a storm. This includes hail. This hurts so much. Fishing was forced to end. I don’t aim for sweetfish. This is Jolty. I’ll check the bottom of the river. The fish were biting. There were fish. But I couldn’t catch it. I feel better.

I simply tried not to move the Sinker lure that had reached the riverbed as much as possible. As a result, the fish took the bait. The fish took the bait. How do I pull this up? The river here is shallow. Looking from that direction, the water on the right side is deep.

Bring this near the rock. I got it. Please come over here. Please don’t get angry. I caught a fish. This is not as big as the sea bass during spawning season, but I’m happy with it. I was relieved. This is a beautiful fish.

I stopped targeting sweetfish during spawning season and changed my lure to Jolty. The fish then quickly ate the bait. How many grams is this? This is 15 grams. This is not 60 cm. This is 54 centimeters. Sea bass doesn’t smell bad. thank you very much. we moved places.

This is our third fishing location. We moved a little further upstream. It rained nonstop and there was hail. The hail has stopped. It’s been difficult since day one. But KOBACCHI caught the fish. he is wonderful We can’t let them overtake us. Let’s widen the score difference. let’s do our best.

I use a Blooowin 80S for aggressive fishing. I don’t know which part is an attack. I use Aizer 125F. It takes a long time to decide on a lure and introduce it. A cell phone notification sounded. But the sound only happens once.

I would like to think that this communication is that they have moved locations. Let’s check that. Is this a fishing report? I received a message from them. This may be a communication regarding a change of location. This will be the report that they will start fishing. Looks like they moved locations.

They are probably at the floodgates of KUZURYUGAWA. The water from the tributary may be flowing that way due to the rain. Once we have finished looking at this place, let’s move on. I’m sick of the rain. It doesn’t reach that far. This is a difficult situation to use multiplier Reel.

How can you cast in this weather? I’m barely able to do that either. What size is YAMADA fishing line? This is 0.6. he is amazing I have a 20 pound leader on it. He was using a thinner fishing line than I was.

Today was a race, so I was feeling a lot of pressure. were you using it today? That’s right. You were casting a Gaboz 150 with a multiplier Reel and 0.6 fishing line. That’s right. he is amazing But my Leader line is long. I use VENDAVAL for Rod.

With this thin fishing line, it is difficult to bring out the full performance of the Rod. For sight fishing, I put out a Drag. I need to be careful when casting the lure and when the fish hooks on the bait. That’s the only part I need to be careful about.

The fish took the bait three times. However, I am not sure when the fish will bite. This place is not affected by the tides. There is always a flow of water here. I think there is a difference in the flow speed of the river. I haven’t been able to figure it out.

I don’t know what triggers the fish to bite the bait. It may be influenced by time, such as Sunrise and Sunset. I think the water flow is slower downstream. Maybe something is happening downstream. As a result, the number of fish may increase or decrease in this area as well.

The fish won’t bite the bait. Last time I hit more fish. I change lures. This is Jolty 15. He introduced only “15” in Japanese. I’ll ask Jolty to help me. You use all the lures. That’s right. You have a high level of professionalism. Isn’t this unfair?

Is it unfair that some lures are used and others are not? Unused lures will complain. Also use high bridge lures. We are tired when it keeps raining. I agree. It rains on and off. That’s big issue. And the rain will probably stop for a while. They were complaining about the weather.

Then it started raining heavily. It would be dangerous if the water level rose any higher. Let’s stop fishing for now and have a night fishing strategy meeting. It’s cold so let’s do it. Let’s move places. we move places. Are there any reactions from the fish? No reaction. Shall we move to another location?

Let’s do so. Where did the fish go? I almost caught a fish. The hail earlier interrupted that. Do you have a next plan? The result could be the same everywhere. I think so too. There was hail earlier, so this should be ice water. The water temperature will definitely drop due to the hail.

This is worse than rain. The water temperature is quite cold. There’s ice water in here. The weather has been strange for a while. The same was true for the first fishing spot. let’s do our best. We have no choice but to do our best. Is KOBACCHI still fishing? It’s so cold.

The wind will be weaker than the previous location. However, this place also seems difficult. However, there is a difference between light and dark here, so I think we can catch some fish. I agree. Let’s come here again when the weather gets nicer.

It was nice because we got to see the next fishing spot. Finish today, let’s prepare for tomorrow. Let’s end today’s fishing. Let’s take a break. Let’s go back to the hotel. This concludes the first day. Let’s hurry back to the hotel. This is a race.

YAMADA, this is what happens when you are here. It’s not my fault it’s raining. YAMADA is the man who calls the storm. Clear skies love me. No, you are Storm Yamada. That would be a nuisance to everyone. I may not be called to this competition next time. let’s do our best.

The most important thing is not to give up. If you give up, it’s over. This is not the end of the game. Somebody please stop us. Both teams returned to their hotels before catching colds. Current point. First of all, let’s aim for fish that we can catch in the Sunrise.

This is where the fish took the bait several times yesterday. Find it here. The water in the river is increasing. Certainly, the water level has risen a little. There are a lot of birds. What is that? Look at that. It looks like we’re birdwatching. it’s amazing.

There are cormorants here, so there may also be sweetfish. That’s right. However, we may not be able to catch fish because of the birds. Sea bass will also dislike birds. This bird is too much. Sea bass probably don’t like having bird’s feet in the water.

We prefer to fish further down the river than the birds. This is the first location. I will do my best. The cold made me forget about my lack of sleep. Have you woken up? Today may be the coldest day of the year. That may be so. Warmers were sold out at convenience stores.

I guess no one expected it to suddenly get this cold. This is a temperature that even Fukui prefecture residents would consider cold. This is Aizer’s 125. I use shallow water lures. I use Gaboz 90. What about the water level in the river? The water level is increasing.

I think I can expect good results here. I think it’s great that the tide is moving in the opposite direction. It might be good to fish from this area. Shall we start fishing from here? Is it possible for us to stand on the ground? we should be able to go there.

I got it. Let’s fish while paying attention to the water level. This is my first time coming here when the water level is this high. This is dangerous. OK? It’s very dangerous here. It’s slippery here. Is this place sloped? Please be careful. They discovered the sweetfish during spawning season. It’s here.

There are also sweetfish here. It’s there too. I think I can use Gaboz for this size. I think Gaboz and Aizer will be fine here. let’s do our best. I’m currently using Gaboz 90. This is the end of the season for catching spawning sweetfish.

It’s the end of the season, but the sweetfish are here to spawn. There are also other bait fish of this size. Some fish eat them. Therefore, it is important to use lures of various sizes. You think, “I cast this lure once, but the fish won’t eat it.”

Even if you think so, you cast the lure by changing its size and silhouette. There are quite a few times when fish bite, especially in these areas. I think it’s important to rotate without giving up. There are many lures in a row. There are many Jolty in a row.

Have they become good friends? Is it possible for only Jolty to line up so beautifully? It’s like a magic flag sticking out of your nose. you mean flags of the world? Now I was surprised to see it. You use linked Jolty because that is the area where Jolty is effective. Good friend Jolty.

What do they eat? There is a sweetfish here. There are other small baits around 50 cm. Sea bass are eating them. Therefore, the bait is not only sweetfish. Think of it like regular fishing, as they seem to eat whatever comes into the water.

However, now that the fish are Sunrise, I think the fish must be conscious of the surface of the water. I think so too, that’s why they’re here. They are waiting for something to come into the water. I want distance when casting. I use Blooowin 165F. I will use Boracon next time.

Boracon 150HF, high float. The lure opens and closes its mouth. let’s go. This is what I think. I think the absolute number of fish is small. Therefore, we should move quickly. I agree, if we stop in one place we can’t look for other places of interest.

We should look for places of concern while it’s still daylight. A rainbow is appearing. Rainbow, please. This is a beautiful rainbow. Please look for us some good fish. Would you like to help us catch fish? Can a rainbow appear on camera? Rainbow, give us power.

It would be great if something good would happen to us with rainbow power. I feel like something good is going to happen. That’s true. Let’s go fishing. let’s do our best. The rainbow is beautiful, and the rainbow is double. They too see a rainbow. double rainbow. The heron came to get food.

Now, when I look at you from my place, the rainbow and you are synchronized in the landscape, and it’s a good vibe. That’s good, it’s likely to be used in next year’s catalog photo. You are getting power from the rainbow. Please give me strength.

I feel like the power of the rainbow has diminished. I’m sure this means not to rely on rainbows. Rainbow saw through that we were sneaky. The rainbow will say, “Don’t rely on me.” The rainbow has disappeared. That may bring bad luck. I change the lure. Blooowin. This is BlueBlue’s typical lure. Blooowin.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but the video is difficult to watch due to bad weather. the wind is strong. This wind is the worst. The landing point of the lure is shifted. . hit. The fish were biting. Blooowin. nice. Should I bring the fish here?

Good, I still don’t know how the battle will turn out. I don’t know if I should use the net for this. I want to go here. Yeah. I don’t want the fish to leave again. This is dangerous. OK. I can’t use the net because my hands are too cold.

Do you put it on the net? This fish has been caught once. The fish came in Blooowin. Where is the location? That’s right there, in the middle, I don’t see any fish at the top anymore, but I think there will be some fish at the bottom.

So the spot will be a little lower. Let’s measure it. This is over 60cm. Please measure the size of this fish. This is 63cm and we get 3 points. I release the fish. thank you. thank you. There are still fish. This fish is still here, is it okay? This fish is back.

Come here. cute. Nice, that’s a good help. thank you. Let’s keep this momentum going! YAMADA caught a fish. And it’s a big fish. he caught a fish. What, seriously? This is a good fish. True, it’s long. Really? YAMADA is good at fishing. OK. I also cast Blooowin 140 in that water flow range.

Blooowin 140, that’s good. What is this? This is called high space. What have you done since yesterday? You give me a compliment when I catch a fish. I think you can definitely catch fish with it.

In order to catch fish in murky water, it is important that the lure is black so that its silhouette can be seen. The Hook was stretched out in the fishing fight earlier. As expected, that was KUZURYUGAWA’s sea bass. Fortunately, this was the only damage caused.

The push of the river current is very strong. I am motivated because YAMADA showed me the fish. In fact, I’m more motivated than before. Are the fish biting on this? Reel! The fish were biting. hit! There are still fish.

There are still fish in the area where the current is slow at the back. good! This is tough, the fish are going to run away. Please wait a moment. This is big. This is a good size. thank you. this is good. Thank you, we did it. I’m glad! we did it.

This is a good fish. we did it. thank you. I caught this fish. I’m glad, but I think this scene is strange. This is KUZURYUGAWA. This is a very good fish, so I’m happy. This fish is fat. Let’s measure the size. please. This fish is a good size. This fish is 70cm.

This is big. This is cool, and I feel that this is the KUZURYUGAWA sea bass. This is macho. This has weight. It will be difficult to catch this fish in this rapid current. cool. Looking at this slightly green part, I feel that this is sea bass.

I feel like I can still go on. We can still go. This is a breakthrough made by YAMADA. But I don’t want this fish to alert other fish to danger. Where should I release this fish? The fish left, this fish is clever. There’s a duck. I can’t cast. . what?

Are you hearing notification sounds? A notification sound rang. They caught another fish, this time TAKAHASHI. That’s not good, TAKAHASHI also caught a fish. We were separated by points, which is not good. Damn it. they are fishing. Maybe they went where the results were early. That must have been the right answer.

Maybe I was too focused on spawning sweetfish. Let’s keep going. Let’s go further. I’m still going to do it. Given the current situation, it seems that the fish are probably moving upstream due to the rain. After all, it may be better to fish later in the Sunrise right away.

It seems better for us to do what we can. Yes, the other team will have the same chances because the conditions are the same. We got 9 points on the rules. 9 points. If the opposing team catches a fish over 80cm, they reverse. That’s possible.

It would be best for us not to relax our offensive efforts now. We cast various lures and did a quick RUN & GUN, but did we hit any fish? There was none of that. The time for Sunrise is over. Let’s move and cast as we go back.

Let’s go to a place where the water flows quickly with that stone. We won’t go halfway. Let’s go to a place where we can get results quickly. I use Jolty 15. This may be a little too wild.

But I don’t want to put this in too deep a range because I don’t know the bottom. I think the lure will probably Snagged. If the lure Snagged, I think the fish will escape as I stir up the water when I try to remove it. Jolty. I do a cover-up.

I heard from YAMADA that RISE usually occurs here a lot. Maybe the fish haven’t come to the top yet? The fish ate. The power of this fish is strong, maybe the fish is big, right? This might not be so bad. I fish carefully. This should be sea bass, right?

This is pretty big, isn’t it? I’ll do my best to get this fish out of the center of the stream. Blooowin is amazing. It seems like what happened just now was a lie. Blooowin is a good lure. I can’t get the fish to come here. It seems like it wasn’t that big.

Do you want to pull the fish now? I can’t see this. The fish don’t jump. I think this fish is too heavy to jump. Let’s wait a little longer, I won’t rush and let this fish swim a little more. OK. Wow, this is big. What about the size?

This is so fat, just fat. This fish is very fat. This updates the record. This is SEIRYU ​​sea bass. This was caught at Blooowin. How’s this? What is this? What is this? This is serious, a monster may have come. This is what I wanted to catch. I wanted to show this to everyone.

As for the length, I think it’s definitely 70cm. This is bigger than the fish I caught earlier. How about that? This is 73cm. 5 points. This is cool. This fish has a slightly small face. However, because this fish is tall, its face looks small, which is cool. This tail fin is big. cool.

Sea bass is a powerful fish. So let’s release it, thank you. Can I release this fish? let’s go. Thank you, bye. YAMADA caught another fish. YAMADA is amazing and the fish size is also good. They no longer vaguely report sizes. They must be relieved because they have a point difference.

I feel like I can catch more and more fish. I feel the same way. You changed your attitude. I only caught one fish, but I feel like I can catch a lot. That’s how we feel when we see fish. YAMADA, how many fish did you catch? It’s 2. Our total is 3.

Yes, it’s 3. We haven’t done night fishing on the other side yet. There’s a tetra pot in there, and it looks like it’s broken. The reversing force of the river is exerted there. We fished in a natural river for day game. Actually, we have not gotten any reaction from the fish yet.

UCHIDA, what do you think you should do from now on? Let’s talk about my impressions of this area. We just cast in the river. We’re doing a lot of things, but the fish aren’t responding right now. We currently have a difference in points with the opposing team.

It may be difficult for us to catch up with them in river fishing now. I think it may be difficult to win during daytime river fishing. The areas we’re going to be at night are light and dark, so I think that’s where our team has some solid winning fish.

I think it’s better to go there. During the day, YAMADA and TAKAHASHI go to places that follow their theory of where fish gather. I think it’s better to go to such places during the day to get points. But we shouldn’t go where the TAKAHASHI group is.

I think it’s a small place, so I think we should go to a similar place, where the river flows faster with stones. On top of that, I think it would be better to go to a place where the river flows quickly using stones and take a look at the area around the bridge.

During the day or night, we definitely need to take a 2 hour break. Now, let’s go to a place where the TAKAHASHI team hasn’t been, where the flow is fast due to stones during the day. Well, let’s go there. Understood, let’s go. I hit a fish. The fish ate.

This is a continuous hit. Please be careful. Is it big? I don’t know, but it might not be that big. Looks like it has horsepower. where’s the fish? This is strange, the fish aren’t floating. This is a fat fish. This is beautiful.

This is a good fish, I feel like I came to a clear stream. This is over 50cm. This is 3 points. 3 points. go. thank you. good. YAMADA, it’s been a while since I fished with you, so I feel nostalgic. That’s true. I’ve been lonely ever since I came here.

I don’t have many fishing friends. I’ll try to come once a month. Come over here and let’s fish. let’s do this again. Here we arrived, we moved places. As we were moving here, the other team added another point. Well, they caught 4 fish and are now ahead of us.

The difference in points will be large, but we have no choice but to pursue it. Yes, it is. Let’s do our best to ensure that we can catch fish wherever there are likely to be fish. I think that maybe if we catch one fish our mood will change. First, let’s take a fish.

Let’s get back to the feeling of fishing. let’s go. The KOBACCHI team moved to a narrow tributary. This is the place where I said yesterday, “This is where public executions used to take place.” They moved a little further upstream from that location. That’s probably because the water level is rising there.

They may be looking for a chance at that spot. Try to catch up with the other team as much as possible. Aizer 125F. I also use Aizer. We are Double Aizer. Let’s fish here. Is that the direction of the cast? We stopped the sweetfish spawning pattern.

The rivers are in a rising pattern right now, so we should take advantage of this rain. When the water level subsides, we return to the sweetfish pattern. The fish came. it’s amazing. Do you drag the fish up? Or should I use Net? I can pull this up.

This is not a very big fish. You might want to step back a little. Is there something behind me? There’s a lot of grass. You watch out for grass. UCHIDA, let’s get on land too. KUZURYUGAWA! it was good. I caught this fish on about the third cast.

This is a good fish caught on Aizer. it was good. Everyone is relieved by this. KOBACCHI, since you were casting in the middle, I cast further back and then let the lure swim naturally. There are fish. 59cm. Did they catch any fish too? they caught a fish. UCHIDA caught a fish.

UCHIDA, that’s amazing. He used Aizer. good. This is big. They did it. Now everyone has caught a fish. They do it too. After all, we cannot feel safe. This is why this match is scary. Good, this is a nice fish. thank you. Let’s move on to the next one.

It’s cold, the temperature has dropped again, right? The wind is blowing. Are you going to take a break? Can we rest now? Do you want to return to the hotel? No, it’s not. I’m thinking, “Do I want to give this place a break?”

Well, it would be best to give this place a rest. Let’s take a break for one hour here. Let’s take a break here for an hour. Is it okay if you don’t go home? We can also take a 2 hour break at the hotel. I can wait here for an hour.

TAKAHASHI’s adrenaline is high. You can take a break while standing here. Now let’s take a break. I’m a little tired. The temperature has dropped again and it is raining. Let’s take a break, with the meaning of resting in this spot on the river. yes. Shall we take a break for 1 hour?

Yes, let us take a break for an hour. It’s a hit. The fish were biting, but I’m sorry. I was skeptical. Damn it. Unfortunately, this was an upcross, so my senses were a bit dull. I thought the fish were biting on your rod.

Yes, the fish were biting, but I went to check it out. The lure is Aizer. Break over. It’s raining again. YAMADA, it started raining as soon as you got out of the car. You don’t blame me. YAMADA, the man who brings rain. The bird is eating something.

A bird is trying hard to swallow something. That’s something big. It felt like something was stuck in the bird’s throat. It looks like some kind of big fish. The spawning sweetfish may have flowed this far. That bird might be telling us the Striking time.

The sweetfish may have come all the way down here. I’m AYU, a singer. One of my thoughts is that people who fish for Japanese horse mackerel also have Striking time. Yes, it is. It often happens during the day. I think so too.

Generally, the best time to catch Japanese horse mackerel is after the time when people who started fishing in the Sunrise get tired and stop fishing. Therefore, there are people targeting Japanese horse mackerel at that time, and the water temperature rises at that time. yes.

I think the angle of the sun has an effect on fishing. I do think that the sun has an influence. What should I use next? WAKE Zepper 140F. I think maybe the line out here is the only good place. I’ve cast several times now.

However, since there is no quick response, I think we can stop fishing here. Let’s move. yes. Next, go to the rapids in the river behind the rocks. Let’s catch some fish! we catch fish. Great, KOBACCHI is getting better. Now that we have caught some fish, let’s build on this success little by little.

Great, this is the first blue sky I’ve seen during this video shoot. It’s been a while since I saw the blue sky. Blooowin’s lip broke. I will continue to swim this lure as is. I change lures. Remembering my original intention, I use Blooowin 140S. attention.

What do you think of this? Is it different? Maybe the fish were biting. The fish ran away. It’s okay, there’s still a chance. Now, how many meters of fishing line did I put out? I should have put out a fishing line for about 50 meters. I could definitely feel it in my hands.

However, I was confused and didn’t know which one. What did you think? I put out a fishing line for about 50m. Then I felt a little bit of something. What is this? When I tried to pull it out, the fish ran away. It is true that hooking is often delayed in that case.

TRUE? But now we see a pattern. The lure is Blooowin 140S. It seems to be effective to swim the lure normally, but this one has a broken lip. I used this on a down cross and found it to be just right. How long is this?

Half or less than half of its original length. This doesn’t swing too much. I see, it doesn’t move too much on the down cross. This will look like an S-shaped sinking pencil. It was one cast using this. I see. Blooowin’s shallow tune is a fond memory for me. That’s nostalgic.

In the past, there were few good lures. It may feel a little forced, but we went through a lot of trial and error. You made it by scratching the lip of your company’s product. yes. That’s a fond memory. That method fits perfectly here and now. It’s both distance and range.

Just over there, the river flow that is reversing and the river flow that is going to the right collide. When the fish were biting, I cast this to the boundary of the river flow and let the lure swim to the right. I let the lure swim for about 50m.

I let the lure swim, and the line was still hanging loosely. The lure went like this and then turned. That happened in the middle of that. seriously? That would be too interesting. This is the first large area in this race. Let’s do some fishing. I’ll try to find out the situation in Narage.

I make sounds with topwater. I got it. I use SCAPER. The water here is very shallow, but is there a drop-off? This is the first time I’ve had such calm fishing since coming to KUZURYUGAWA. “Peaceful fishing.” The weather is also calm. We went to a lot of places with rapids. What else?

The lure’s action determines the possibility of catching fish. The color of the lure may also have an effect. I think a fluorescent yellow color is best. The last time I caught two fish, I used a fluorescent lure. Where is the fish now? However, there is no fluorescent yellow Blooowin.

I don’t have a fluorescent yellow Blooowin. I only have Red Beer in the yellow variety of Blooowin. Color may have something to do with fishing results. Today I believe in this lure and use it. Blooowin. Shall we finish this early? Yes, That’s right. It didn’t even take 10 minutes.

There is no atmosphere to catch fish here. There’s no atmosphere, but I think all places are like this all the time. Well, there was no structure inside here. That’s why I didn’t think there was a fish lurking somewhere. There was only sand. Let’s take a break. Let’s take a break here.

We are not tired yet. We are still doing well, but considering the upcoming races, now is the time to take a break. I definitely want to catch that fish tomorrow. One more time I want to do it. I feel it is important to catch fish that bite.

I feel like the result will change my fishing life. How about that? A local angler here recently showed me an upgraded version of how to control the Line and let the lure swim while filming FISHING VISION. It’s called “DONBURAKO”.

As the name suggests, the lure’s action is similar to that of a large peach flowing into a river. The angler operates the lure with no tension, just like MOMOTARO’s peaches flowing in the river. When doing this, it seems that floating type lures are often used.

However, I didn’t catch any fish with floating type lures, so I used sinking type lures today. I cast the lure slightly upcross and let it swim while controlling the Line. But to be honest, it looked like most of it was stuck with garbage. Different fishing lines were connected inside it.

Along the way, the fishing line got twisted and got pulled. When I started winding the Reel, the lure would spontaneously move unnaturally. And there was a moment when the fishing line moved faster than the water flow. I was told this three weeks ago when I came here on Fishing Vision.

However, at that time, the situation here was much worse than it is now due to drought. I wasn’t in a position to be able to catch fish using that technique. So this time. It rained a little. It wasn’t that powerful, but I was able to do this on the surface of the river.

Maybe tomorrow, when the water dwindles, the fish will be in shallower areas. I want revenge. I want to settle it. If I don’t catch it tomorrow, it will be my homework. Maybe I’ll come here next week too. The fish were biting. where? This isn’t that big. What is the lure?

What is the lure? 140. All I can do is Reel. It may be safer to let the fish run aground. It depends on the number of needles involved. If it’s just one needle, I’ll go right away. First, we won’t be able to tell any more unless we bring the fish here.

Fishing is difficult until you catch a fish. This is no good, you should scoop up the fish with a net. The fish has scratches on its mouth. The water seems deep on this side. This is a fat fish. This fish is fat. But this is short. I thought this was salmon.

This looks like salmon or yellowtail. This doesn’t have a good balance between length and thickness. This weight is amazing. This is BLACK FIN SEEBASS. This isn’t long. This is 67cm. we did it. nice. I sent a Line message. are they sleeping? Look at this, it’s like 80cm.

This looks like an 80cm long fish. It looks that way because this fish is heavy. There is no discomfort even if this is enlarged. I release the fish. Don’t go there. Go here. This is going back there. That was a sea bass that I like in the mainstream. YES! I did it.

3 points. We can’t stop fishing. did you see it? YAMADA was catching a big fish. it’s amazing. This one seems to be 70cm long. I don’t think 80cm is possible, but 70cm is likely. Now, the other team has 6 fish and we have 2. So I think it’s about 20-6.

I think the difference is about 14 points. Maybe if we catch one lunker size fish and one 70cm fish we’ll get 15 points and we win. If you think about it that way, I agree that it’s okay. It’s not easy. But the possibility still remains. The game isn’t over yet. let’s go.

The chasing team and the chased team. Each thinks of victory. They search around KUZURYUGAWA to catch sea bass. The day ended with neither team scoring any additional points. Scores so far. TEAM A 6pt vs TEAM B 20pt. The game is now a direct confrontation. I will do my best.

If I catch a fish here, it will be called a complete victory for KOBACCHI. You guys have that fight. Gaboz 150. They’re starting, the way he uses that fishing rod he’s jumping something up. He’s bouncing something up. Under the cover of this fog, we approach them. Hello. Hello. Are you a local here?

Did you notice? We are currently shooting a video. I see. What’s that skit about? Please come and fish here too. Please do as you like. Hello. Are you using that Blooowin? You are KOBACCHI, right? No, that’s not true, but I am told that I look a lot like him.

I think you are very similar to him. I get told that often. Did you come all the way here today? This is private fishing. They are bad actors. I use Jolty 15. This is for the range above. YAMADA is currently using Blooowin. That’s why I use Jolty 15 as soon as possible. .

I use Ninjari, which not everyone uses. The fish here are small. But I really think sea bass is following those small fish. On the downstream side, I think sea bass are found in places where the topography changes, such as breaks. I’m always looking for sea bass, which are small fish.

No fish come out. I think the Striking time is a little later. I wonder if the fish are still cold? Is the fish still sleeping? What is that? That’s a Gachipen. Locals are fishing here with big-headed tops. I’m from here. So from this position, I’m going to cross down. Blooowin 140S. .

Let’s go. KOBACCHI seems to think I’m strange. That’s right. The Kagoshima Prefecture group’s strategy is to go further offshore than the Chiba Prefecture group. We will be in the video. Sorry, I’ll just pass by. Will there be fish? But I swim a lot of lures. You are appealing to make the lure swim.

Let’s go pretty far down. Down cross fishing was a bit tough. So let’s switch to upcross fishing. Lure change. Aizer 125F. sorry. Excuse me. This is a race that uses psychological elements. But now we have limited their courses.

But I don’t think TAKAHASHI will say, “Sorry, you guys, get out of there” because there is a video. It’s a strategy, I’ll stop him. I won’t let them score any more points. We take scores. This may be a bad example. KOBACCHI has fallen to the dark side.

If they think it’s difficult to do, that’s fine. I’m letting Jolty swim. 15G. I’ll use a Gachipen. Blooowin. I hope this fishing line arrives. I feel like it’s a bit under pressure, so I’ll size down. Is this different? The fish ate. Good, the fish are biting.

I cast Jolty and the fish bit it, this is the center of the water flow. seriously? Oh, the fish are biting. Seriously? I didn’t want to see this in front of my eyes. The location of the fish may have changed. Now might be the Striking time. That may be so.

I think it’s not just one fish. thank you. The fish swallowed the lure whole. I cast the lure into the groove. 1st one. KOBACCHI, there are fish here. Damn it. “Damn it.” Is this fish 60cm long? yes, I have. Even at 60cm, the score is the same. This is important. 61cm.

Aren’t you guys coming closer? I can’t let you catch any more fish. they use force. Everyone please complain to them in the comments. I won’t let you fish anymore. KOBACCHI, do your best. Everyone wants to catch fish. This time we are enemies. Damn it. Seriously this time, you’re trying to beat me.

I will completely crush my former partner. After that, time ran out with neither team catching any fish. This game was a battle against the rain. TAKAHASHI caught the last fish and we were done. Let’s praise the four people who played the game without giving up until the end.

Thank you for your hard work. After three days, we are back here. We are about to announce the results, but before that, please share your thoughts. Thank you for hosting the Fukui Prefecture fishing game. Although KUZURYUGAWA exists, my opinion is that fishing in Fukui Prefecture is difficult.

I think it is difficult to catch KUZURYUGAWA fish. I felt that the fact that everyone was able to catch fish under such circumstances was a testament to the individual abilities of all the members here. Besides these kinds of races, I also personally hope to have fun fishing with everyone. Please come here again.

Thank you everyone for your hard work. KOBACCHI really couldn’t play an active role this time. However, I think KUZURYUGAWA is interesting. yes. That’s good. I felt that every place was a new experience. I was able to try out my style of fishing at each location. I couldn’t catch many fish.

But overall I was able to enjoy this place and would like to come here again. KOBACCHI. Yes, what shall I say? why are you so depressed? This was really difficult. I’ve been here once before. At that time I was able to catch fish, so this time I was confident.

I thought I had gathered a lot of information beforehand. I also practiced a lot with lures. I wasn’t able to create a place where I could make use of those results. I feel bad about that, and the fishing here was difficult. However, I felt that this place had potential.

Actually, we were not lucky with the weather this time. If the weather had been sunny and conditions were perfect for three days, everyone might have had good fishing results. Fishing is a game with nature, so it can happen. I hope you enjoy it too. Actually, I had fun.

This is my second attempt at KUZURYUGAWA. The first time was in October. At that time, I learned that KUZURYUGAWA is tough and not an easy place to fish. As a result, I think I caught more fish than I expected. That’s thanks in part to YAMADA’s help. I couldn’t be optimistic about the situation.

I was prepared for the fishing to be tougher this time than the last time I came. I enjoyed it more than I expected. Let’s go then. It’s a countdown, and please announce the results. 3. 2. 1. open. 6? strong. My calculations don’t match, but how many points were each fish worth?

It was 3 and 3, right? I see, the fish looked smaller because KOBACCHI was holding it. Hey, we said it. We said maybe the size wasn’t big. There were also photos taken like this. We struggled to decide which photo to take. I see, that’s what it means. But you guys are amazing.

Actually we were able to catch a lot of fish. I was really happy when everyone caught fish. KOBACCHI, this is true, you helped me catch a fish. As I said earlier, please come to KUZURYUGAWA without any pressure. What is the size of the fish you guys caught? 2-70cm, 4-60cm, and 1 point.

Did the fish in the last photo look the biggest? we talked about it. Everyone said it was 80cm, but we were saying it was 70cm. However, that one was less than 70cm. That’s a photo trick. It doesn’t let your opponent guess the points. The predictions are interesting.

That concludes our Fukui Prefecture game, thank you very much. thank you. YUSUKE TAKAHASHI. AKIHIKO KOBARA. HIJIRI UCHIDA. DAISUKE YAMADA.

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見応えありました! お茶目な山田さん最高!

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Congrats guys for not give in , in the pouring rain 👏🏻🔝🎣
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